Principal Life Insurance Co. Variable Life Sep Account

07/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/05/2024 12:34

Summary Prospectus for New Investors by Investment Company - Form 497VPI


Initial Summary Prospectus dated July 5, 2024
For New Investors


Issued by Principal Life Insurance Company through its
Principal Life Insurance Company Variable Life Separate Account

This Initial Summary Prospectus summarizes key features of the Principal Variable Universal Life Income IV flexible premium variable universal life insurance policy (the "Policy").
Before you invest, you should also review the prospectus for the Policy, which contains more information about the Policy's features, benefits, and risks. You can find the current statutory prospectus, Statement of Additional Information ("SAI"), and other information about the Policy, as well as information about the Underlying Funds online at You can also obtain this information at no cost by calling 1-800-247-9988 or by sending an email request to [email protected]. For additional questions about the Policy, please contact your registered representative.
You may cancel the Policy within 10 days of receiving it without paying fees or penalties. Upon cancellation, you will receive a full refund of the amount you paid with your application. You should review the prospectus, or consult with your investment professional, for additional information about the specific cancellation terms that apply.
Additional information about certain investment products, including variable life insurance policies, has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission's ("SEC's") staff and is available at
The SEC has not approved or disapproved this Policy or passed upon the adequacy of this Updating Summary Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
Initial Summary Prospectus Contents
Important Information You Should Consider about the Policy
Overview of the Policy
Standard Death Benefits
Other Benefits Available Under the Policy
Buying the Policy
How Your Policy Can Lapse
Making Withdrawals: Accessing the Money in Your Policy
Additional Information about Fees
Appendix: Underlying Funds Available under the Policy

Adjustment - change to your Policy resulting from an increase or decrease in Face Amount or a change in: tobacco status; death benefit option; risk classification or riders.
Attained Age - is the Insured's age on the birthday nearest to the Policy Date, plus the number of complete Policy Years that have elapsed since the Policy Date.
Business Day - any date that the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") is open for trading and trading is not restricted.
Company (and we, us, our) - Principal Life Insurance Company.
Data Pages - the pages of the policy which contain information specific to you, to the Insured and the Policy. Revised Data Pages will only be sent to you when a change is made to your Policy.
Death Benefit Guarantee Premium Requirement - the amount of premium required to be paid in order to maintain the protections of the death benefit guarantee rider.
Division - a part of the Separate Account which invests in shares of a corresponding Underlying Fund. The value of an investment in a Division is variable and is not guaranteed. The "Money Market Division" refers to the Fidelity VIP Government Money Market Division.
Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) - a program in which premiums are systematically transferred from one account or Division, typically the Fixed Account or Money Market Division, into other Division(s).
Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) Duration - the length of time over which the entire Fixed DCA Account value is transferred to the Fixed Account and/or Divisions.
Effective Date - the date on which all requirements, including initial premium, for issuance of a Policy have been satisfied.
Face Amount - the amount used to determine the death benefit.
Fixed Account - the portion of the Policy Value that is held in our General Account.
Fixed Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) Account - a Fixed Account to which Net Premiums may be allocated and from which a portion of the Policy Value is transferred on a monthly basis over the DCA Duration.
Gender - the Gender of the Insured as shown on the Data Pages. If the policy is issued with a Unisex Gender, all rates, benefits and values that contain differences based on Gender, use a blend of male rates and female rates consistent with the percentage male/female blend shown for the mortality table referenced on the Data Pages.
General Account - assets of the Company other than those allocated to any of our Separate Accounts.
Home Office - the address shown on your policy cover page.
Initial Face Amount - is the original Face Amount that was in effect on the Policy Date.
Insured - the person named as the "insured" on the Data Pages. The Insured may or may not be the Owner.
Loan Account - That portion of the Policy Value held in the General Account that reflects the Loan Indebtedness (if you have taken out a loan).
Loan Indebtedness - the amount of any outstanding policy loan(s) and unpaid loan interest.
Maximum Premium Expense Charge - the maximum charge deducted from premium payments to cover a sales charge and taxes (federal, state and local).
Monthly Date - the day of the month which is the same day as the Policy Date. For example, if the Policy Date is September 5, 2022, the first Monthly Date is October 5, 2022.

Monthly Policy Charge - the amount subtracted from the Policy Value on each Monthly Date.
Net Amount at Risk - the result of:
•the death benefit (as described in the Policy) at the beginning of the policy month, divided by the Death Benefit Discount Rate shown on the Data Pages; minus
•the Policy Value at the beginning of the policy month calculated as if the Monthly Policy charge was zero.
Net Policy Value - the Policy Value minus any Loan Indebtedness.
Net Premium - the gross premium paid less the deductions for the Premium Expense Charge. It is the amount of premium allocated to the Divisions, Fixed Account and/or Fixed DCA Account.
Net Surrender Value - Surrender Value minus any Loan Indebtedness.
No-Lapse Guarantee Monthly Premium - a premium which is required to be paid in order to guarantee the Policy will not terminate during the No-Lapse Guarantee Period.
No-Lapse Guarantee Period - the period, as follows, for which the Policy is guaranteed not to terminate if the No-Lapse Guarantee Monthly Premium is paid.
Insured's Age on Policy Date No-Lapse Guarantee Period
0-75 years first 10 Policy Years
76 years first 9 Policy Years
77 years first 8 Policy Years
78 years first 7 Policy Years
79 years first 6 Policy Years
80+ years first 5 Policy Years
Owner - the person, including joint Owner, who owns all the rights and privileges of this Policy.
Planned Periodic Premium - the premium in the amount and frequency you plan to pay.
Policy Date - the date from which Monthly Dates, Policy Years and policy anniversaries are determined.
Policy Maturity Date - the date to which the Policy will stay in force, unless the death of the Insured occurs prior to that date, so long as all requirements outlined in the Policy are satisfied. The Policy Maturity Date is shown on the Data Pages. The Policy Maturity Date may be extended as described in the Maturity Date Extension provision.
Policy Value - the sum of the values in the Divisions, the Fixed Account, the Fixed DCA Account, and the Loan Account.
Policy Year - the one-year period beginning on the Policy Date and ending one day before the Policy anniversary and each subsequent one year period beginning on a Policy anniversary. For example, if the Policy Date is November 21, 2022, the first Policy Year ends on November 20, 2023.
Premium Expense Charge - the charge deducted from premium payments to cover a sales charge and state, local and federal tax payments.
Separate Account - the Principal Life Insurance Company Variable Life Separate Account, an account established by us which has Divisions to which Net Premiums may be allocated under the Policy.
Surrender Value - Policy Value minus any surrender charge.
Target Premium - a premium amount which is used to determine the Premium Expense Charge under a Policy. The Target Premium is not required to be paid and can be calculated by using the rates in Appendix C in the statutory prospectus.
Underlying Fund - a registered open-end investment company, or a separate investment account or portfolio thereof, in which a Division invests.

Unit - the accounting measure used to calculate the value of each Division.
Valuation Period - the period begins at the close of normal trading on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), generally 4:00 p.m. E.T. on each Business Day, and ends at the close of normal trading of the NYSE on the next Business Day.
Written Request - actual delivery to the Company at our Home Office of a written notice or request, signed and dated, on a form we supply or approve, or in such other form and substance that is acceptable to us. Written Requests may be mailed to us at:
Principal Life Insurance Company
P.O. Box 10431
Des Moines, Iowa 50306-0431
Phone: 1-800-247-9988
Fax: 1-866-885-0390
you, your - the Owner of the Policy.


FEES AND EXPENSES Location in Statutory Prospectus
Charges for Early Withdrawals
If you fully surrender your Policy within ten years of the Policy Date shown on your Data Pages or a Face Amount increase, a surrender charge is imposed. "Face Amount" refers to the amount used to determine the death benefit.
SUMMARY: FEE TABLES - Transaction Fees
Guaranteed Maximum: $48.21 per $1,000 of Face Amount (4.82%). For example, if you make an early withdrawal, you could pay a maximum surrender charge of up to $4,821 on a Policy with a Face Amount of $100,000. Surrender charges decline over time.
Transaction Charges In addition to surrender charges, you may also be charged for other transactions, including a sales charge and taxes assessed on each premium paid, transfer fees for unscheduled Division transfers, and illustration fees. SUMMARY: FEE TABLES - Transaction Fees
Ongoing Fees and Expenses
In addition to surrender charges and transaction charges, an investment in the Policy is subject to certain ongoing fees and expenses, including fees and expenses covering the cost of insurance under the Policy and the cost of optional benefits under the Policy. Such fees and expenses are set based on the characteristics of the Insured (e.g., age, sex, and rating classification). You should view the Data Pages for rates applicable to you. "Data Pages" are the pages of the policy which contain information specific to you, to the Insured and the Policy. Current or revised Data Pages may be sent to you from time to time.
SUMMARY: FEE TABLES - Transaction Fees and Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Underlying Fund Expenses
Investors will also bear expenses associated with the Underlying Fund Companies, as shown in the following table: SUMMARY: FEE TABLES - Annual Underlying Fund Expenses
Annual Fee Minimum Maximum
Investment Options (Underlying Fund Fees and Expenses) 0.21% 4.52%


RISKS Location in Statutory Prospectus
Risk of Loss You can lose money by investing in a Policy. PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN THE POLICY - Risk of Loss; Not a Short Term Investment
Not a Short-Term Investment The Policy is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor that needs ready access to cash. If you take a withdrawal, any surrender charge will reduce the value of your Policy.
Risks of Underlying Funds An investment in the Policy is subject to the risk of poor investment performance and can vary depending on the performance of the Underlying Funds. Each Underlying Fund has its own unique risks. A comprehensive discussion of the risks of each Underlying Fund may be found in the Underlying Fund's prospectus. You should review these investment options before making an investment decision. PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN THE POLICY - Risks of Underlying Funds
Insurance Company Risks An investment in the Policy is subject to the risks related to the Company. Any obligations (including under the Fixed Accounts), guarantees, or benefits are subject to the claims-paying ability of the Company. More information about the Company, including its financial strength ratings, is available at GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE POLICY - General Account
Contract Lapse When the Policy lapses, it terminates with no value and no longer provides any life insurance benefit upon the death of the Insured. Poor investment performance, partial surrenders, or policy loans may increase the risk of lapse. If your Policy lapses, you can only reinstate it under certain conditions, including making certain payments. PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN THE POLICY - Policy Termination (Lapse)

RESTRICTIONS Location in Statutory Prospectus
While you may transfer amounts in the Divisions (which invest in shares of a corresponding Underlying Fund) and Fixed Accounts, certain restrictions and transfer fees apply with regard to the number and amount of such transfers. Transfers are also subject to the excessive trading and market timing polices described in this prospectus.
We reserve the right to remove or substitute Underlying Funds as investment options.
Optional Benefits Some optional benefits under the Policy are subject to limitations, restrictions, and additional charges, including with respect to their availability and the amounts that may be paid under such benefits. OPTIONAL BENEFITS UNDER THE POLICY
Withdrawals may reduce the value of a benefit by an amount greater than the value withdrawn, which could significantly reduce the value or even terminate the benefit. OPTIONAL BENEFITS UNDER THE POLICY

TAXES Location in Statutory Prospectus
Tax Implications
You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in, and payments received under, the Policy. There is no additional tax benefit to you if the Policy is purchased through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA), and withdrawals will be subject to ordinary income tax and may be subject to tax penalties


CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Location in Statutory Prospectus
Investment Professional Compensation The Company pays compensation to broker-dealers, financial institutions and other parties for the sale of the Policy, including commissions on premiums paid on the Policy. The Company and/or its affiliates may also pay other amounts such as marketing allowances, expense reimbursements and education payments. Such compensation may influence the financial intermediary or sales representative to recommend the purchase of this Policy over competing policies or over other investment options. PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN THE POLICY - Conflicts of Interest
Exchanges Some financial representatives may have a financial incentive to offer a new policy in place of the one you already own. You should only exchange an existing Policy if you determine, after comparing the features, fees and risks of both policies, that it is preferable to purchase the new policy rather than continue to own an existing Policy. PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN THE POLICY - Conflicts of Interest

The Policy is an individual flexible premium variable universal life insurance policy offered by the Company. The purpose of the Policy is primarily to provide death benefit protection upon the death of the Insured.
The Policy Value reflects your premium payments, partial surrenders, policy loans, unpaid loan interest policy expenses, interest credited to the Fixed Accounts, and/or investment experience of the Divisions. As a result, the Policy may be appropriate for persons seeking both life insurance protection and the potential for the accumulation of cash values. However, it is not suitable as a short-term investment due to the costs of insurance and the expenses charged.
This is a "flexible premium" policy, which means you may choose the amount and frequency of premium payments (subject to certain limitations).
Net Premium payments are allocated to the Fixed Accounts and the Divisions according to your instructions. Each Division invests in a corresponding Underlying Fund. The Underlying Funds are mutual funds registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as open-end management investment companies. It is possible that the investment performance could cause a loss of the entire amount allocated to the Division. A full description of each Underlying Fund, its investment objectives, policies and restrictions, charges and expenses and other operational information is contained in its prospectus. Additional information about each Underlying Fund is provided in APPENDIX - UNDERLYING FUNDS AVAILABLE UNDER THE POLICY.
The Internal Revenue Code imposes limits on premiums under the guideline premium/cash value corridor test, as well as to determine whether the policy is classified as a Modified Endowment Contract. If you make a premium payment that we determine exceeds one or both of these limits, we reserve the right to only accept that portion of the payment that is within the applicable limit(s).
Payment of insufficient premiums may result in a lapse of the Policy.
Death Benefits/Maturity Proceeds
Under the Policy, the Company guarantees to pay a death benefit for as long as the Policy is in force. The death proceeds are paid in cash to the beneficiary(ies) when the Insured dies. Subject to certain conditions, the death benefit option may be changed after the Policy has been issued.
If the Policy is in force and the Insured is living on the Policy Maturity Date, we will pay the Owner an amount equal to the Net Surrender Value unless the Extended Coverage Rider is in effect. Maturity proceeds are paid in cash lump sum. The Policy terminates on the Policy Maturity Date unless extended by the Extended Coverage Rider.

Surrenders and Withdrawal Options
The Policy may be fully surrendered and any Net Surrender Value paid to the Owner. If the full surrender is within ten years of the Policy Date or a Face Amount increase, a surrender charge is imposed.
On or after the first policy anniversary and prior to the Policy Maturity Date, you may surrender a part of the Net Surrender Value. Unscheduled partial surrenders are subject to limitations on the number and amounts you may surrender.
On or after the first policy anniversary and prior to the Policy Maturity Date, you may elect to receive part of your Net Surrender Value automatically on any Monthly Date (known as a "scheduled partial surrender") in the amount and frequency you choose, subject to certain limitations. Once surrenders equal premiums paid, if there is any remaining Net Surrender Value, scheduled policy loans will automatically begin, unless you direct us otherwise.
A loan may be taken using the Policy as collateral. The maximum loan amount is 90% of the Net Surrender Value. You are charged interest on any Loan Indebtedness.
Subject to certain limitations, you may transfer funds among the Divisions and the Fixed Accounts. We also offer Automatic Portfolio Rebalancing. You may incur an additional fee for transfers.
Optional Insurance Benefits
Subject to certain conditions, you may add one or more optional insurance benefits to your Policy, including benefits that accelerate the payment of your death benefit under certain circumstances or help manage the risk of lapse. An additional charge may apply if you elect an optional benefit.

Payment of the death proceeds will be made within seven Business Days of receipt of the required documentation. We pay death proceeds first to the assignee, if any, in a lump sum. We pay the remainder to your named beneficiary(ies) as described below. If no beneficiary(ies) survives the Insured, we will pay the death proceeds to the Owner or the Owner's estate unless you have given us Written Request otherwise.
Death proceeds, calculated as of the date of death of the Insured, are A minus B minus C where:
•A is the death benefit plus any proceeds from any benefit rider on the Insured's life;
•B is any Loan Indebtedness; and
•C, if the Insured's death occurs during a grace period, is the lesser of any overdue Monthly Policy Charges and, if applicable, the amount required to meet any no lapse provision or Death Benefit Guarantee Premium Requirement.
We pay interest on death proceeds as required by law.
Death Benefit Options
The death benefit option is selected at the time of application. If a death benefit option is not chosen, the Policy will be issued with Death Benefit Option 1. The three death benefit options available are:
Death Benefit Option 1
The death benefit equals the greater of:
•the Face Amount; or
•the amount found by multiplying the Policy Value by the applicable percentage*.
Death Benefit Option 2
The death benefit equals the greater of:
•the Face Amount plus the Policy Value; or
•the amount found by multiplying the Policy Value by the applicable percentage*.


Death Benefit Option 3
The death benefit equals the greater of:
•the Face Amount plus the greater of a) premiums paid less partial surrenders and b) zero; or
•the amount found by multiplying the Policy Value by the applicable percentage*.
* The applicable percentage tables are in APPENDIX D to the statutory prospectus and are based on our interpretation of Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code. The table which applies to your Policy is determined by your choice of either the guideline premium/cash value corridor test or the cash value accumulation test.
Change in Death Benefit Option
You may change the death benefit option on or after the first policy anniversary. Up to two changes are allowed per Policy Year. Your request must be made in writing and approved by us. The effective date of the change will be the Monthly Date that coincides with, or next follows, our approval. If the death benefit option change involves a Face Amount decrease, you may elect to keep the current Face Amount, subject to underwriting review and approval.
The option may not be changed from Death Benefit Option 1 to Death Benefit Option 3 or from Death Benefit Option 2 to Death Benefit Option 3. We will increase or decrease the Face Amount so that the death benefit immediately after the change equals the death benefit before the change.
Maturity Proceeds
If your Policy is in force and the Insured is living on the Policy Maturity Date shown on the Data Pages, you may elect to be paid the Policy's maturity proceeds which are equal to the Net Surrender Value.
Adjustment Options
Increase in Face Amount
You may request an increase provided that the Policy is not in a grace period and Monthly Policy Charges are not being waived under a rider. The minimum increase in Face Amount is $50,000. A Face Amount increase request made during the No-Lapse Guarantee Period will increase the No-Lapse Guarantee Monthly Premium for the remainder of the No-Lapse Guarantee Period.
The request must be made on an Adjustment application. The application must be signed by the Owner(s) and the Insured. If your request is not approved, no changes are made to your Policy.
We will approve your request if:
•the Attained Age of the Insured does not exceed the maximum age limit that applies to the Policy on a new issue basis; and
•the amount of the Face Amount increase is at least the Minimum Face Amount Increase shown on the Data Pages; and
•you supply evidence which satisfies us that the Insured is alive and insurable under our underwriting guidelines then in effect; and
•the death proceeds less the Policy Value does not exceed our maximum limits as defined under our underwriting guidelines then in effect; and
•your policy is not in a grace period; and
•the Face Amount after adjustment is not less than the Minimum Face Amount shown on the Data Pages; and
•your Monthly Policy Charges or premiums are not being waived under any rider.
The increase in Face Amount is in a risk classification determined by us. The Adjustment is effective on the Monthly Date on or next following our approval of your request.
If you want insurance coverage to start at the time the Adjustment application is submitted, an "adjustment premium" payment must be sent with the completed application. The amount of the adjustment premium is based on the Face Amount of the Policy, issue age, Gender and tobacco status. This amount is shown on the policy illustration provided to you by your registered representative. If this amount is submitted with the application, an adjustment premium conditional receipt will be given to you.

The receipt acknowledges the adjustment premium payment and details any interim conditional insurance coverage.
Any adjustment premium payment made in connection with the Adjustment application is held in our General Account without interest (for a period of up to 60 days) while we complete underwriting for the Adjustment. If we approve the Adjustment, on the effective date of the Adjustment, the amount of the adjustment premium payment being held minus the Premium Expense Charge is moved to the Divisions, Fixed Account and/or Fixed DCA Accounts according to your then current premium allocation percentages.
The cost of insurance charge will increase in the event of an increase in a Policy's Face Amount. If there is insufficient value to pay the higher charges after an increase in Face Amount, the entire Policy (not just the incremental increase in Face Amount) will terminate, unless the no-lapse or death benefit guarantees are in effect.
Decrease in Face Amount
On or after the first policy anniversary, you may request a decrease in the Face Amount. No transaction fee is imposed on decreases in the Face Amount. A decrease in Face Amount lowers the cost of insurance charges but does not reduce surrender charges or the No-Lapse Guarantee Monthly Premium requirement. A request for a decrease requires the following:
•the request must be made on an Adjustment application;
•the application must be signed by the Owner(s);
•the Policy is not in a grace period;
•Monthly Policy Charges are not being waived under a waiver rider;
•the decrease is at least the minimum amount as determined by our underwriting guidelines in place at the time of your request;
•the decrease may not reduce the Face Amount below $100,000;
•cumulative Face Amount decreases in Policy Years two through five cannot exceed 35% of the Initial Face Amount; and
•if there have been previous increases in the total Face Amount, the decrease of total Face Amount will be made on a last in, first out basis.
A decrease may not be allowed if the decrease would cause a refund of premium and/or the distribution of the Policy Value in order to maintain compliance with the limits required by the Internal Revenue Code relating to the definition of life insurance.

Subject to certain conditions, you may add one or more of the optional insurance benefits summarized in the table below. More information follows the table, and detailed information may be obtained from a registered representative or our Home Office. Not all optional insurance benefits (including those referred to below as "standard") are available to all Owners, and provisions may vary. Costs of optional insurance benefits are deducted from your Policy Value. See ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT FEES for charges.
Optional Benefit/Rider Purpose Standard/Optional Charge Other Restrictions/Limitations
Change of Insured allows the business to change the Insured when an employee leaves employment or ownership of the business changes Optional No available on business cases only
Cost of Living Increase provides increases in the Face Amount every three years, to the Insured's age 55, without requiring evidence of insurability
Death Benefit Guarantee guarantees the Policy will not lapse before the Insured attains age 65 if premiums paid equal or exceed the Death Benefit Guarantee Premium requirement
No If the rider terminates, it may not be reinstated.
Life Paid-Up (Overloan Protection) Under certain circumstances, guarantees the Policy will not lapse when there is large Loan Indebtedness by converting the Policy to paid-up life insurance Optional Yes Once the benefit begins, certain limitations and restrictions are imposed on the Policy. Consult your tax advisor regarding this rider.
Surrender Value Enhancement provides for a waiver of a portion of the surrender charges for a limited time Optional Yes only available for business and approved premium finance cases. Surrender cannot be related to a replacement or exchange. If you use this rider, you cannot use of the Cost of Living Increase Rider.
Waiver of Monthly Policy Charge pays the Monthly Policy Charges of the Policy if the Insured becomes disabled and loses his/her ability to earn an income. Optional Yes approval required; may be added when Insured's Attained Age is not greater than 59.
Waiver of Specified Premium pays the Planned Periodic Premium on the Policy if the Insured becomes disabled and loses his/her ability to earn an income. Optional Yes approval required; may be added when Insured's Attained Age is not greater than 59.
(1) Availability of these riders varies.
(2) Additional charges apply to increased Face Amount.

Payment of Premiums
You may make unscheduled premium payments and/or Planned Periodic Premiums. Planned Periodic Premiums are premiums in the amount and on the frequency you plan to pay. We will send premium reminder notices if you establish an annual, semiannual, or quarterly planned payment schedule. You may set up preauthorized withdrawals to allow us to automatically deduct premium payments from your checking or other financial institution account.
The amount and frequency of your premium payments affects the Policy Value, the Net Policy Value, and how long the Policy remains in force. Insufficient premium payments may cause the policy to lapse.
Premium Limitations
The Internal Revenue Code imposes limits on premiums under the guideline premium/cash value corridor test, as well as to determine whether the policy is classified as a Modified Endowment Contract. If you make a premium payment that we determine exceeds one or both of these limits, we reserve the right to

only accept that portion of the payment that is within the applicable limit(s) and refund or apply the excess premium as follows:
•If we receive such premium payments more than 30 days from the date the applicable limit will increase, we will refund the excess premium payment to you.
•If we receive such premium payments within 30 days from the date the applicable limit will increase, we will hold the excess premium payment in a non-interest bearing account and apply it to your policy once the applicable limit increases.
Except for any amount necessary to continue the policy in force, we reserve the right to refund any premium that increases the policy's death benefit by more than it increases the Policy Value. Alternatively, we may require satisfactory evidence of insurability.
The minimum initial premium required is the monthly No-Lapse Guarantee Monthly Premium. There is no minimum amount requirement for subsequent premiums; however, insufficient premium payments may cause the policy to lapse as described above in POLICY TERMINATION AND REINSTATEMENT - Policy Termination (Lapse) in the statutory prospectus.
Allocation of Premiums
Your initial Net Premium (and other Net Premiums We receive prior to and on the Effective Date through twenty days after the Effective Date) is allocated to the Money Market Division at the end of the Business Day We receive the premium in good order. The money is reallocated to the Divisions, Fixed Account and/or Fixed DCA Account according to Your instructions when this initial period ends (or on the first Business Day thereafter). This transfer will not be subject to any fees, nor will it be deemed a transfer for purposes of identifying market timing activity.
However, if the purchase of this policy is a replacement for another policy, the initial Net Premium will be immediately allocated to the Divisions, Fixed Account, and/or the Fixed DCA Account as directed in the application, unless You direct otherwise.
For each Division, Fixed Account and Fixed DCA Account, the allocation percentage must be zero or a whole number. The total of all allocation percentages must equal 100. Net Premium payments are allocated as of the Valuation Period in which they are received in good order.
Allocation changes are effective at the end of the Valuation Period in which Your new instructions are received.

Policy Termination (Lapse)
During the No-Lapse Guarantee Period, a Policy will enter a grace period and is at risk of terminating if (i) the Policy does not satisfy the "no-lapse guarantee test" described below and (ii) the Net Surrender Value on any Monthly Date is less than the Monthly Policy Charge.
After the No-Lapse Guarantee Period, a Policy will enter a grace period and is at risk of terminating if the Net Surrender Value on any Monthly Date is less than the Monthly Policy Charge.
During a grace period, as described below, you may pay the minimum required premium to keep your Policy in force. A Policy will terminate if you have not paid the minimum required premium before the grace period expires.
The Policy also terminates:
•when you make a full Policy surrender;
•when death proceeds are paid; and
•when the maturity proceeds are paid.
When the Policy terminates, all privileges and rights of the Owner(s) and all optional insurance benefits will end. Subject to certain conditions, you may reinstate a policy that has terminated, as described below.

No-Lapse Guarantee Test
During the No-Lapse Guarantee Period, a Policy will not enter a grace period if it meets the "no-lapse guarantee test," even if the Policy's Net Surrender Value is insufficient to meet the Monthly Policy Charge. A Policy satisfies the no-lapse guarantee test if ((a) minus (b)) is greater than or equal to (c), where:
(a) is the sum of the premiums paid.
(b) is the sum of all Loan Indebtedness and partial surrenders.
(c) is the sum of the No-Lapse Guarantee Monthly Premiums since the Policy Date to the most recent Monthly Date.
The no-lapse guarantee does not protect the Policy beyond the No-Lapse Guarantee Period. After the No-Lapse Guarantee Period, there is no guarantee that your Policy will stay in force even if you make premium payments under your Planned Periodic Premium schedule unless:
•Your Policy's Net Surrender Value is at least equal to the Monthly Policy Charge on the current Monthly Date; or
•the Death Benefit Guarantee Rider is in effect.
Grace Period
If a policy is at risk of terminating, We will send You notice of a 61-day grace period during which You can pay the minimum required premium to keep Your Policy in force. This grace period begins on the date We mail the notice of impending policy termination to You. The notice will be sent to Your last post office address known to Us and will tell You the amount of the minimum required premium to avoid termination of Your Policy, payment instructions and the grace period end date and will be sent no earlier than, and within 30 days after, the Policy processing day on which the insufficiency occurred. Your Policy will remain in force during the grace period. If We do not receive the minimum required premium payment by the end of the grace period, Your Policy will terminate without value.
Death During Grace Period
If the Insured dies during a grace period, then We will deduct from the death proceeds the lesser of any overdue Monthly Policy Charges and, if applicable, the amount required to meet any no lapse guarantee provision or Death Benefit Guarantee Premium Requirement. If Your policy is on Death Benefit Option 1 and the Insured dies during a grace period for which the amounts required under C above for the cumulative premium shortfall or under (b) above for the Net Surrender Value shortfall have been applied, We will add to the death proceeds a refund of such amounts applied for any period beyond the Policy Month in which the Insured's death occurred.
Subject to certain conditions, you may reinstate a Policy that terminated. The Policy may be reinstated provided all of the following conditions are satisfied:
•such reinstatement is prior to the Policy Maturity Date;
•you have not surrendered the Policy;
•not more than three years have elapsed since the Policy terminated;
•you supply evidence which satisfies us that the Insured is alive and is insurable;
•you either repay or reinstate any Loan Indebtedness existing at termination; and
•you make the minimum required reinstatement premium.

NOTE: The minimum required premium during a grace period and the minimum required premium to reinstate a policy are calculated differently. The minimum required premium for reinstatement is calculated so as to allow us to recover Monthly Policy Charges due and unpaid during the grace period and to provide enough Policy Value to pay three Monthly Policy Charges after reinstatement of the Policy. As a result, the minimum required premium for reinstatement will be higher than the minimum required premium for grace period.
Reinstatement will be effective on the next Monthly Date following the date we approve the reinstatement application. Your rights and privileges as Owner(s) are restored upon reinstatement. The reinstated Policy will have the same Policy Date as the original Policy.

If a policy loan or loan interest was unpaid when the Policy terminated, the policy loan must be reinstated or repaid (loan interest does not accrue over the period the Policy was terminated). We do not require payment of Monthly Policy Charges during the period the Policy was terminated.
Premiums received with your reinstatement application are held in our General Account without interest while we complete underwriting for the reinstatement. If the reinstatement is approved, premiums are allocated to your selected Division(s), Fixed Account and/or Fixed DCA Account on the reinstatement date. We will use the premium allocation percentages in effect at the time of termination of the Policy unless you provide new allocation instructions.
If you reinstate your Policy and then it is fully surrendered, a surrender charge may be imposed. The surrender charge, if any, is calculated based on the number of years the Policy was in force. The period of time during which the Policy was terminated is not included in these calculations.
If you reinstate your Policy, the Death Benefit Guarantee Rider, the Life Paid-Up Rider, the Return of Cost of Insurance Rider and the Surrender Value Enhancement Rider are not reinstated.

The Policy may be fully surrendered and any Net Surrender Value paid to the Owner. If the full surrender is within ten years of the Policy Date or a Face Amount increase, a surrender charge is imposed.
On or after the first policy anniversary and prior to the Policy Maturity Date, you may surrender a part of the Net Surrender Value. Unscheduled partial surrenders are subject to limitations on the number and amounts you may surrender.
On or after the first policy anniversary and prior to the Policy Maturity Date, you may elect to receive part of your Net Surrender Value automatically on any Monthly Date (known as a "scheduled partial surrender") in the amount and frequency you choose, subject to certain limitations. Once surrenders equal premiums paid, if there is any remaining Net Surrender Value, scheduled policy loans will automatically begin, unless you direct us otherwise.
Unscheduled Partial Surrenders
Up to two unscheduled partial surrenders may be made in a Policy Year. The minimum amount of a partial surrender is $500. The total of the amount(s) surrendered may not be greater than 75% of the current Net Surrender Value.
Scheduled Partial Surrenders
Partial surrenders may be scheduled on a monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual basis. Each scheduled partial surrender may not be greater than 90% of the Net Surrender Value (as of the date of the scheduled partial surrender).
Full Surrender
If the full surrender is within ten years of the Policy Date or a Face Amount increase, a surrender charge is imposed. Surrender charges are calculated based on the number of years the Policy was in force.
If you reinstate your Policy and then it is fully surrendered, a surrender charge may be imposed. The number of Policy Years is calculated from the original Policy Date through the surrender date - excluding the period during which the Policy was terminated.


The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Policy. Please refer to your Data Pages for information about the specific fees you will pay based on the options you have elected.
The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Policy, surrender or make withdrawals from the Policy, or transfer cash value between investment options.
Transaction Fees
Charge When Charge is Deducted Amount Deducted
Sales Charge
upon receipt of premium
7.25% of premium paid
4.00% of premium paid, reducing to 2.00% after the first Policy Year.
Taxes (federal, state and local)
upon receipt of premium
3.25% of premium paid
3.25% of premium paid
Surrender Charge (full surrender of Policy)(1)
from surrender proceeds
$48.21 per $1,000 of Face Amount
$11.89 per $1,000 of Face Amount
Maximum Charge for Representative Insured(2)
$22.79 per $1,000 of Face Amount
Transfer Fee for Unscheduled Division Transfer upon each unscheduled Division transfer after the first unscheduled Division transfer in a Policy Year
$25 per unscheduled transfer
Illustration Fee
upon each illustration after the first illustration in a Policy Year
Optional Insurance Benefits
Life Paid-Up Rider
on the date rider benefit begins
Maximum 13.50% of Policy Value
(if the Policy is issued with the guideline premium/ cash value corridor test)
3.50% of Policy Value
(if the Policy is issued with the cash value accumulation test)
9.50% of Policy Value
Surrender Value Enhancement Rider
upon receipt of premium
2.00% of premium paid in excess of Target Premium
Year 1 1.00% of premium paid in excess of Target Premium
Years 2-7 2.00% of premium paid in excess of Target Premium
(1) This charge varies based on individual characteristics. The charge shown in the table may not be representative of the charge that you will pay. You may obtain more information about the particular charge that would apply to you from your registered representative or by phoning 1-800-247-9988.
(2) The representative insured is a 40-year-old male with a risk classification of preferred non-tobacco in Policy Year one.


This table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay periodically during the time that you own the Policy, not including Underlying Fund fees and expenses.
Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Underlying Fund Expenses
Charge When Charge is Deducted Amount Deducted
Cost of Insurance(1)
$83.33 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk
$0.01 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk
Maximum Charge for Representative Insured(2)
$0.17186 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk
Asset Based Charge
0.15% of Division Value (annualized charge)
0.00% of Division Value (annualized charge)
Monthly Administration Charge
$10.00 per month
$10.00 per month
Monthly Policy Issue Charge(1)
$0.89540 per $1,000 of Face Amount
$0.06737 per $1,000 of Face Amount
Maximum Charge for Representative Insured(2)
$.22925 per $1,000 of Face Amount
Net Policy Loan Charge(3)
annually (accrued daily)
1.50% of Loan Indebtedness per year(4)
1.50% of Loan Indebtedness per year(4)
Optional Insurance Benefits (Rates shown assume Insured's risk class is standard or better).
Waiver of Monthly Policy Charges Rider(1)
Maximum $0.51 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk
Minimum $0.01 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk
Maximum Charge for Representative Insured(2)
$0.02 per $1,000 of Net Amount at Risk
Waiver of Specified Premium Rider(1)
$0.94 per $100 of Planned Periodic Premium
$0.15 per $100 of Planned Periodic Premium
Maximum Charge for Representative Insured(2)
$0.40 per $100 of Planned Periodic Premium
(1) This charge varies based on individual characteristics. The charge shown in the table may not be representative of the charge that will pay. You may obtain more information about the particular charge that would apply to you from your registered representative or by phoning 1-800-247-9988.
(2) The representative insured is a 40-year-old male with a risk classification of preferred non-tobacco in Policy Year one.
(3) The difference between the interest charged on the Loan Indebtedness and the interest credited to the Loan Account.
(4) This charge decreases after Policy Year 10.
Minimum and Maximum Total Expenses
The following table shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the Underlying Funds that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Policy. A complete list of Underlying Funds, including their annual expenses, is provided in APPENDIX - UNDERLYING FUNDS AVAILABLE UNDER THE POLICY.
Annual Underlying Fund Expenses as of December 31, 2023 Minimum Maximum
Expenses that are deducted from Underlying Fund assets, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees and other expenses 0.20% 5.13%

The following is a list of Underlying Funds currently available under the Policy, which is subject to change. Before you invest, you should review the prospectuses for the Underlying Funds, as may be amended from time to time. These prospectuses contain more information about the Underlying Funds and their risks. You can find the prospectuses and other information about the Underlying Funds online at You can also request this information at no cost by calling 1-800-247-9988 or by sending an email request to [email protected].
The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Underlying Funds, but does not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Policy may charge. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these charges were included. Each Underlying Fund's past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.
Some of the Underlying Funds are "funds of funds." A fund of funds is a mutual fund that invests primarily in a portfolio of other mutual funds. Operating expenses shown for a fund of funds include the fees and expenses that such fund incurs indirectly as a result of investing in other funds. More detail about the risks of investing in a fund of funds is available in such fund's prospectus.
Fund Company and Fund Name and Class Fund Type Advisor/
Current Expense Ratio Average Annual Total Returns
1 yr 5 yr 10 yr
AllianceBernstein Discovery Value - Class A Small/Mid US Equity AllianceBernstein 0.81% 17.18% 10.78% 7.55%
AllianceBernstein International Value - Class A* International Equity 0.90% 15.15% 5.81% 2.09%
AllianceBernstein Small Cap Growth - Class A (not available to new investors after 2/1/2013)* Small/Mid US Equity 0.90% 18.02% 10.57% 8.53%
American Funds Insurance Series Global Balanced - Class 2 Asset Allocation Capital Research and Management Company 0.77% 13.83% 7.44% 5.40%
American Funds Insurance Series Growth - Class 2 Large US Equity 0.59% 38.48% 18.67% 14.35%
American Funds Insurance Series International - Class 2 International Equity 0.78% 15.84% 4.83% 3.41%
American Funds Insurance Series New World - Class 2* International Equity 0.82% 16.00% 8.64% 4.69%
American Funds Insurance Series Washington Mutual Investors - Class 2* Large US Equity 0.52% 17.29% 12.60% 9.91%
BNY Mellon IP MidCap Stock - Service Class Small/Mid US Equity
BNY Mellon Investment Adviser, Inc./Mellon Investments Corp
1.05% 17.99% 10.42% 7.17%
CVT Investment Grade Bond Index - Class I* Fixed Income
Calvert Research and Management/Ameritas Investment Partners
0.32% 5.47% 1.06% 1.68%
CVT Russell 2000 Small Cap Index - Class F* Small/Mid US Equity 0.59% 16.36% 9.48% 6.54%
CVT S&P 500 Index (not available to new investors after 4/25/2014)* Large US Equity 0.28% 25.92% 15.39% 11.68%
CVT S&P MidCap 400 Index - Class F* Small/Mid US Equity 0.53% 15.89% 12.07% 8.66%
ClearBridge Mid Cap - Class I Small/Mid US Equity
ClearBridge Investments, LLC/Legg Mason Partners Fund Advisor, LLC
0.83% 12.92% 10.73% 7.10%
DWS Small Mid Cap Value - Class B* Small/Mid US Equity DWS Investment Management Americas Inc 1.17% 14.59% 8.38% 5.13%
Fidelity VIP Contrafund - Service Class 2 Large US Equity Fidelity Management and Research Co 0.81% 33.12% 16.36% 11.33%
Fidelity VIP Equity-Income - Service Class 2 Large US Equity 0.72% 10.38% 12.01% 8.31%
Fidelity VIP Extended Market Index - Service Class 2 Small/Mid US Equity
Fidelity Management & Research Co/Geode Capital Management, LLC and FMR Co., Inc.
0.38% 17.11% 11.04%

Fidelity VIP Gov't Money Market - Service Class Short-Term Fixed Income Fidelity Management and Research Co 0.37% 4.80% 1.66% 1.05%
Fidelity VIP High Income - Service Class 2 Fixed Income 1.02% 10.24% 3.60% 3.14%
Fidelity VIP International Index - Service Class 2 International Equity
Fidelity Management & Research Co/Geode Capital Management, LLC and FMR Co., Inc.
0.42% 15.88% 6.89%
Fidelity VIP Mid Cap - Service Class 2 Small/Mid US Equity Fidelity Management and Research Co 0.82% 14.80% 12.17% 7.85%
Fidelity VIP Total Market Index - Service Class 2 Asset Allocation
Fidelity Management & Research Co/Geode Capital Management, LLC and FMR Co., Inc.
0.37% 25.71% 14.73%
Franklin Templeton VIP Trust - Franklin Mutual Global Discovery VIP Fund - Class 2 International Equity Franklin Mutual Advisors, LLC 1.15% 20.31% 10.16% 5.98%
Franklin Templeton VIP Trust - Franklin Rising Dividends VIP - Class 2 Large US Equity Franklin Advisers, Inc. 0.90% 12.08% 13.75% 10.23%
Franklin Templeton VIP Trust - Franklin Small Cap Value VIP - Class 2 Small/Mid US Equity Franklin Mutual Advisors, LLC 0.91% 12.75% 11.06% 7.04%
Franklin Templeton VIP Trust - Templeton Global Bond VIP - Class 2* Fixed Income Franklin Advisers, Inc. 0.75% 2.88% (2.13%) (0.66%)
Invesco VI American Franchise - Series II Large US Equity Invesco Advisers, Inc. 1.11% 40.60% 15.88% 11.42%
Invesco VI American Value- Series I Small/Mid US Equity 0.89% 15.60% 12.74% 7.26%
Invesco VI Core Equity- Series II Large US Equity 1.05% 23.09% 12.67% 7.53%
Invesco VI Health Care- Series I Other-Health 0.98% 3.02% 8.75% 6.87%
Invesco VI Main Street Mid Cap - Series II Small/Mid US Equity 1.19% 14.14% 10.32% 6.45%
Invesco VI Main Street Small Cap - Series II* Small/Mid US Equity 1.13% 17.82% 12.78% 8.66%
Janus Henderson Series Enterprise- Service Shares Small/Mid US Equity Janus Capital Management LLC 0.97% 17.78% 13.14% 11.82%
Janus Henderson Series Forty - Service Shares Large US Equity 0.80% 39.65% 16.64% 13.45%
Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity- Service
International Equity Janus Henderson Investors US LLC 1.12% 23.24%
Janus Henderson Series Global Technology and Innovation - Service Shares Other-Technology Janus Capital Management LLC 0.97% 54.27% 20.05% 16.86%
Lord Abbett Series Fund Developing Growth- Class VC* Small/Mid US Equity Lord, Abbett & Co, LLC 1.04% 8.17% 8.90% 6.82%
LVIP American Century Capital Appreciation - Service Class Small/Mid US Equity
Lincoln Investment Advisors Corporation, through a sub-advisory agreement with American Century Investment Management Inc.
0.94% 20.55% 13.09% 9.20%
LVIP American Century Disciplined Core Value - Service Class Large US Equity 0.96% 8.24% 9.92% 7.92%
LVIP American Century Inflation Protection - Service Class Inflation-Protected Bond 0.77% 3.40% 2.65% 1.90%
LVIP American Century Mid Cap Value - Service Class Small/Mid US Equity 1.01% 6.03% 10.90% 8.61%
LVIP American Century Value - Service Class Large US Equity 0.86% 9.02% 11.71% 8.36%
Macquarie VIP Small Cap Value - Service Class Small/Mid US Equity Delaware Management Company 1.08% 9.10% 9.87% 6.77%
MFS Blended Research Small Cap Equity- Service Class Small/Mid US Equity Massachusetts Financial Services Company 0.76% 18.67% 10.01% 8.00%
MFS Mid Cap Value- Service Class Small/Mid US Equity 1.04% 12.39% 12.60% 8.46%
MFS New Discovery- Service Class* Small/Mid US Equity 1.12% 14.25% 10.81% 7.41%
MFS New Discovery Value - Service Class* Small/Mid US Equity 1.13% 11.22% 12.84% 9.05%
MFS Utilities - Service Class Other - Utilities 1.04% (2.33%) 8.05% 6.13%

Neuberger Berman AMT Sustainable Equity - I Class Large US Equity Neuberger Berman LLC 0.90% 26.90% 13.97% 9.99%
Principal Variable Contracts Funds ("PVC") Core Plus Bond- Class 1 Fixed Income Principal Global Investors 0.50% 5.34% 1.61% 2.01%
PVC Diversified International- Class 1 International Equity 0.89% 17.45% 8.01% 4.23%
PVC Equity Income- Class 1 Large US Equity 0.49% 11.22% 10.87% 9.22%
PVC Global Emerging Markets- Class 1* International Equity 1.16% 12.53% 4.18% 2.17%
PVC Government & High Quality Bond- Class 1 Fixed Income 0.53% 4.64% (0.06%) 1.01%
PVC LargeCap Growth I- Class 1* Large US Equity
Principal Global Investors/T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and Brown Advisory, LLC
0.69% 40.34% 15.66% 13.01%
PVC LargeCap S&P 500 Index- Class 1 Large US Equity Principal Global Investors 0.21% 25.97% 15.37% 11.72%
PVC MidCap- Class 1 Small/Mid US Equity 0.55% 26.08% 15.60% 11.87%
PVC Principal Capital Appreciation- Class 1 Large US Equity 0.65% 25.15% 16.03% 11.89%
PVC Principal LifeTime 2020- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.55% 12.26% 6.95% 5.34%
PVC Principal LifeTime 2030- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.58% 15.09% 8.64% 6.33%
PVC Principal LifeTime 2040- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.64% 18.27% 10.10% 7.16%
PVC Principal LifeTime 2050- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.69% 20.38% 11.02% 7.68%
PVC Principal LifeTime 2060- Class 1* Asset Allocation 0.75% 20.28% 11.32% 7.73%
PVC Principal LifeTime Strategic Income- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.54% 10.79% 4.54% 3.64%
PVC Real Estate Securities- Class 1 Small/Mid US Equity 0.80% 13.33% 8.52% 8.71%
PVC SAM Balanced- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.73% 16.00% 8.12% 6.23%
PVC SAM Conservative Balanced- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.70% 11.97% 5.95% 4.87%
PVC SAM Conservative Growth- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.77% 19.37% 10.12% 7.49%
PVC SAM Flexible Income- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.65% 9.37% 4.29% 3.92%
PVC SAM Strategic Growth- Class 1 Asset Allocation 0.80% 21.86% 11.78% 8.26%
PVC Short-Term Income- Class 1 Short-Term Fixed Income 0.43% 5.60% 1.84% 1.72%
PVC SmallCap- Class 1 Small/Mid US Equity 0.85% 15.53% 11.39% 7.81%
Putnam VT Small Cap Value - Class 1B Small/Mid US Equity Putnam Investment Management LLC 1.03%
Putnam VT Small Cap Growth - Class 1B Small/Mid US Equity 1.14%
Putnam VT Large Cap Growth - Class 1B Large US Equity 0.90% 44.47% 18.49% 14.39%
TOPS Managed Risk Balanced ETF- Class 2 Asset Allocation
Milliman Financial Risk Management, LLC / ValMark Advisers, Inc.
0.77% 9.03% 4.83% 3.24%
TOPS Managed Risk Growth ETF- Class 2 Asset Allocation 0.75% 11.14% 5.86% 3.33%
TOPS Managed Risk Moderate Growth ETF- Class 2 Asset Allocation 0.75% 10.33% 5.51% 3.52%
VanEck VIP Global Resources- Class S Other-Natural Resources Van Eck Associates Corp 1.36% (3.84%) 10.34% (1.26%)
Wanger International* International Equity Columbia Wanger Asset Management, LLC 1.14% 16.95% 6.45% 3.50%
* The current expense ratio for this Underlying Fund reflects expense reimbursements and/or fee waiver arrangements reported in the Underlying Fund's registration statement. Such arrangements may be terminated, and therefore, reflect temporary fee reductions.


This Initial Summary Prospectus incorporates by reference the Statutory Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information (SAI) for the Policy, both dated May 1, 2024, as amended or supplemented, which are available online at, by calling 1-800-247-9988, or by sending an email request to [email protected].

Principal® Variable Universal Life Income IV
EDGAR Contract Identifier C000236235