UNECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Remarks by the UN Secretary-General at the opening of the 38th African Union Summit
Prime Minister’s Office of India
PM to participate in Bharat Tex 2025 on 16th February in Delhi
Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany
Statement of like-minded Foreign Ministers of the FFP network
Government of the Republic of South Africa
-1h 7m
Meeting of State Council Commission on Investment
-1h 25m
The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa
-1h 29m
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Head of State sent a telegram of congratulations to the President of Serbia
-1h 59m
Ministry of Defence of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
-2h 46m
Prime Minister's Office of Singapore
SM Teo Chee Hean at the 58th War Memorial Service
-2h 52m
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R. of Iran
Iran condemns US for inhumane treatment of Iranian nationals
-3h 49m