DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

09/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 09:22

NEW: “Rob Mercuri Tries To Hide His Anti-Abortion Record, Again”

Mercuri's feeble attempts to deny his anti-abortion record are once again falling completely flat

Rob Mercuri's new ad this week claims that he "opposes criminalizing abortion because demonizing women over healthcare choices isn't right."

The only problem? Rob Mercuri's record.

In the state legislature, Mercuri co-sponsored the near total six-week abortion ban without exceptions that aimed to punish doctors with up to seven years in prison. Mercuri even voted for a constitutional amendment that would ban the right to an abortion, something the ACLU said would "threaten the fundamental rights of every Pennsylvanian."

DCCC Spokesperson Aidan Johnson:
"Despite Rob Mercuri's tireless work to strip away abortion rights, he can't seem to own up to his draconian record. Mercuri is blatantly hiding the threat he poses to women's reproductive freedoms, and his desperate lies will fall flat with Western Pennsylvania voters."

Keystone Newsroom: Rob Mercuri tries to hide his anti-abortion record, again
Sean Kitchen | September 19, 2024

  • With less than 50 days to go until Election Day, State Rep. Rob Mercuri (R-Allegheny) is attempting to hide his anti-abortion record in his race against Congressman Chris Deluzio.

  • In a recent ad, Mercuri stated that he "opposes criminalizing abortion because demonizing women over healthcare choices isn't right," but his voting record in the Pennsylvania House says otherwise.

  • During the 2022-23 legislative session, Mercuri cosponsored a six-week abortion ban introduced by State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, one of the chamber's most conservative legislators. Mercuri also voted for Senate Bill 106, a proposed constitutional amendment that would have banned the right to an abortion.

  • After Mercuri launched his campaign against Deluzio last year, The Keystone reported that Mercuri scrubbed his anti-abortion record from his website.

  • Mercuri previously called himself "a proud pro-life and pro-family leader," who will "continue to defend the sanctity of life compassionately through all its phases and always keep the minds of families in mind when crafting policy."