11/04/2024 | Press release | Archived content
ANACOM has already established a Security Incident Response Centre, known as CSIRT-ANACOM, which will provide the necessary services to help its community recover from security incidents that occur, with a team dedicated to helping organisations mitigate the impact and prevent serious incidents.
The CSIRT-ANACOM will contribute to strengthening cooperation and the sector, with the main objective of supporting and protecting ANACOM, supporting the Comissão de Planeamento de Emergência das Comunicações (CPEC - the Communications Emergency Planning Commission) and the main stakeholders in the sectors regulated by ANACOM, as well as strengthening effective cooperation with the Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS - the National Cybersecurity Centre) and other relevant bodies for the efficient management of incidents in the communications sector.
With this measure, ANACOM is taking a further step in preparing to assume the responsibilities arising from the entry into force of the NIS2, Diretiva (EU) 2022/2555https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1735800of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December, which aims to ensure a high common level of cyber security throughout the European Union and is currently being transposed into national law.
To this end, the Council of Ministers recently adopted a draft law, which will be subject to public consultation, establishing the legal framework for cybersecurity and transposing the above-mentioned Directive.