Mike Huckabee

10/01/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/01/2024 09:32

Hold on to your hats:

ByMike Huckabee

October1, 2024


You can't say that God doesn't have perfect timing. Friday, on the very day that "border czar" Kamala Harris FINALLY visited the border in Douglas, Arizona, to pretend to be a border security hawk, the scale of the wreckage she's wrought was shockingly revealed. GOP Rep. Tony Gonzales released data he had forced ICE to provide on how many illegal alien criminals Biden and Harris have caught-and-released into the US since 2021. Hold on to your hats:


Of the millions of illegal aliens they've let in to roam our streets, 423,431 are convicted criminals and 222,141 have pending criminal charges. Of those, 13,099 are convicted murderers and 15,811 are known rapists. So much for the idea that voting for Kamala is a vote to "protect women." Also, 350 are terrorists. By the way, these are just the ones ICE knows about. Those numbers don't include the over 2 million known "got-aways."

While she was at the border, posing in front of a border wall she fought tooth and nail, Harris attempted to blame all this on Trump. You see, it was all his fault for telling Republicans in Congress to block that "bipartisan border bill" so he could have this issue to run on.

Mark Levin on Fox News did a devastating fact-check on that mind-blowing claim. As I've often told you, he reminded us that that bill did virtually nothing to improve border security. It was more of an amnesty bill, spending even more money on speeding up the processing of illegal aliens into the system. The security measures didn't kick in until we were seeing over 5,000 illegal entrants a day over a sustained period, which adds up to 1.8 million a year. He also pointed out that the bill failed because of bipartisan opposition, including from leftist Senators like Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders, whom I seriously doubt are taking orders from Trump.

As if seeing Harris at the border at all weren't enough to remind us who is responsible for the invasion of America under Biden-Harris, this report hammered it home with a sledge hammer.

Matt Vespa of Townhall.com has more…


RELATED: On Harris' claim that she supports Border Agents and helped secure them higher overtime pay (which I'm sure they put in a LOT of, thanks to her), the Border Patrol Union rushed out this fact check: "This couldn't be further from the truth. As with all things border related, she was nowhere to be found when we needed her."

Later, the union's vice president told Fox News that Harris spoke with only two members of Border Patrol management and no agents, and was only there for a 20-minute photo op. He said, "That's all she did. President Trump actually cares and he's actually gone down there and met with boots on the ground."


The more you watch, the less you know: Of the three major broadcast networks' newscasts on Friday, all covered Harris' border visit, but only ABC even mentioned the shocking stats about all the criminals, murderers and rapists Biden and Harris have let in and unleashed on American citizens, and ABC briefly mentioned only the stat about murderers.


I guess they think we're so stupid that if some overpaid talking heads on biased, failing news shows try to hide the obvious from us, we won't notice it.

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