IFJ - International Federation of Journalists

09/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 22:18

Malaysia: Call for Applications – Rewriting the Story: Tackling Media Gender Stereotypes in Political & Public Life

20 September 2024

Malaysia: Call for Applications - Rewriting the Story: Tackling Media Gender Stereotypes in Political & Public Life

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is excited to announce the launch of applications for its upcoming Training of Trainers (TOT) program, "Rewriting the Story: Media, Gender & Politics in Malaysia." This transformative two-day training will empower Malaysian journalists to tackle barriers to fair gender representation in political reporting and foster reforms in newsroom culture. Participants will gain essential tools and insights to create more inclusive and diverse coverage in both political and public spheres. We invite committed journalists from all sectors of the media to apply and join us in shaping a more equitable media landscape. Applications are open until September 26, 2024!


About the IFJ training:

How can journalists provide the public with the best quality gender aware reporting on politics?

This two-day training is a Training of Trainers (TOT) in the IFJ module "Rewriting the Story: Media, Gender & Politics" and is aimed to directly address barriers to the fair representation and portrayal of women and men in political life in Malaysia.

Working with frontline journalists, news media managers, journalists' unions and associations, gender experts, women active in political life, academics and, crucially, the next generation of media professionals, this IFJ-led national training of trainers is aimed to support a process of engagement, leadership and, ultimately, reforms in Malaysia's media with regard to newsroom culture, policies and processes. Trainers will be equipped to lead trainings within their networks or newsrooms and news organisations which improve the professional understanding and practices with regard to gender portrayal of women and men in political and public life. By taking a national approach on gender portrayal in political reporting, this work is aimed to empower citizens and the general public to make informed decisions, especially with regard to elections.

The national training will bring together a group of committed journalists from all over Malaysia who are keen to tackle this issue and help tailor national adaptation and creation of a "Malaysian Rewriting the Story" resource for journalists in Malaysian media. It is aimed to encourage journalists of all genders to reflect on their own news coverage and other coverage in their media pertaining to a diversity of representation in the media in politics and public life.

The training will be led by IFJ international expert Marie Palmer who developed the IFJ module. The module will also include inputs from key Malaysian gender journalists/experts and IFJ regional director and gender trainer, Jane Worthington.

Call for Applications: Nominations by journalists to the IFJ training certificate program

The IFJ is calling for applications from all Malaysian journalists from all sectors of the media, particularly news leaders and journalists with strong interest or experience in gender, equality and diversity issues and/or experience in reporting and covering politics in Malaysia.

Up to 20 applicants will be selected as Malaysia national gender delegates to take part in the IFJ national training to be held in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, October 4 and Saturday, October 5, 2024.

Particular preference will be accorded to:

  • Women and men working in the media sector who are considered leaders in the workplaces, unions, CSOs and/or gender sector:
  • Journalists reporting on politics and local government or managing the coverage and assigning of stories in newsrooms;
  • Activists and newsroom leaders committed to take the program outcomes back to their newsrooms and organisations to support local, national and regional programs.
  • Journalists from outside KL are strongly encouraged to apply (including outside from Saba and Sarawak). Travel and accommodation will be covered for participants travelling to the workshop who are successful in their application.

Submission Instructions:

Please send your expression of interest no later than September 26, 2024 to IFJ regional director, Jane Worthington at [email protected]with the subject "Rewriting the Story Application". Applications will be assessed as they are received. Note that we will only be able to contact successful applicants. Early application is strongly encouraged.

Applicants must submit the following to be eligible:

  • a current curriculum vitae (CV) and short bio;
  • a brief 300-word outline - providing your reasons for applying to the program and your perspectives of media coverage of women in politics and public life in Malaysia and/or ways you would like to change the way newsrooms manage news content on reporting women in politics and public life.
  • A small portfolio (one page, including links) of your own coverage on the issue, of stories and/or news content from your media house if you have not directly covered the issue.
  • A current photograph of the participant (jpg or png)

Any applications received after September 26 cannot be guaranteed consideration for participation. Due to limited places for this meeting, not all nominations can be accepted.


For further information contact IFJ Asia - Pacific on [email protected]

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