City of Los Angeles, CA

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 12:11

Mayor Karen Bass Calls For Metro Safety Enhancements and Swift Accountability For Those Involved In Downtown Metro Incident

En Español


LOS ANGELES - Mayor Karen Bass today issued the following statement:

"My thoughts are with the loved ones of the individual who was tragically killed early this morning. Every Angeleno has the right to go about their lives safely - especially on our public transportation systems and I will be urgently working with the members of the Metro Board as well as our Chair and Metro CEO to enhance the safety strategies that we implemented earlier this year. What happened this morning was completely unacceptable and has no place in Los Angeles. I want to thank the bus operator involved for their courageous and swift response as well as LAPD officers for their work to apprehend the suspect. While the investigation is still ongoing, I want to be very clear that those involved must be held fully accountable to the rule of law."