Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

09/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 15:01

Government meeting

Agenda: Compensation to agricultural producers for the damage caused by spring frost, aid to children suffering from orphan disorders, support to the implementation of investment projects to produce and process non-ferrous metals in the Republic of Tyva, and co-financing of works to create a comfortable urban environment in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Mikhail Mishustin's opening remarks:

Good afternoon, colleagues.

Before we come over to the Government meeting agenda, I want to speak about several decisions that are to help our farmers.

This year, because of spring frosts, many of them faced unforeseen losses of their products. And while grain crops were reseeded, orchards and berries suffered significantly, especially in Central Russia, the Volga region and some other regions.

The President has set the task of providing additional support to such agricultural producers.

The Government has prepared a set of directives to compensate for the damage to agrarians. We will send subsidies to nine regions.

In total, the additional finding will make up over 900 million roubles. It will support more than 160 agricultural producers.

It is important for the regions to receive the funds as soon as possible. This should help agrarians to plant new fruit trees and berry bushes now, during autumn field work.

I ask the Ministry of Agriculture to keep the implementation of the President's instructions under control.

Now to the aid to children suffering from orphan disorders.

Children with health restrictions are provided with the necessary medicines on doctor's prescriptions free of charge at the expense of the state. At the same time, specialised therapeutic food products are an important part of this therapy. The earlier the kids receive them, the better is the quality of their lives. They will get more opportunities to become independent and receive education.

A special list was compiled in order to provide children with timely clinical nutrition. It is possible to modify this document twice a year, in the context of innovative medical approaches. Science is not standing idle. Eight new positions have been added since 1 January 2024.

Today, we will expand the list by three more positions, including dry and liquid mixtures for children with rare orphan metabolic disorders. The relevant Government resolution has been signed. As the President has emphasised, efforts to strengthen families are the most important state issue. We hope that the decision that has been adopted will help parents of children with disabilities take good care of them.

Our next issue deals with efforts to meet the growing Russian economy's demand for strategic raw materials, including aluminium, nickel, copper, rare-earth and other non-ferrous metals. They now have tremendous significance for the national industry and for strengthening technological sovereignty in the most diverse sectors amid foreign sanctions pressure. First of all, this concerns the aerospace industry, the automotive industry, microelectronics, the nuclear industry and the chemical industry.

The Government will allocate 4 billion roubles on implementing investment projects to produce and process non-ferrous metals in the Republic of Tyva that has impressive mineral resources. This will make the sector more attractive for businesses, will help develop major deposits and facilitate construction of new ore mining and processing enterprises. Moreover, this will provide an additional impetus to the entire region's development.

Colleagues, it is very important to ensure the cost-effective disbursement of this funding.

Let us discuss the current agenda. We will review an issue stipulating the creation of a comfortable people-friendly environment in the Russian regions, primarily in the Far East. The President and the Government prioritise the well-being of people living in this region.

In July 2024, we organised a working trip to the region and discussed in detail the implementation of the 1,000 Courtyards programme with the governors. As you know, the programme allows local residents to independently choose courtyards for subsequent improvement and renovation. Most importantly, they can be active, display initiative and strive to change their environment, including courtyards, public gardens, parks, for the better.

Today, we will allocate an additional 700 million roubles for the Khabarovsk Territory, so that it would co-finance the improvement of at least 100 more courtyards.

This will facilitate the future dynamic improvement of cities and towns. Of course, this will improve standards of living for the locals. The President lists these objectives among the most important priorities.