Samba TV Inc.

08/28/2024 | Press release | Archived content

H1 2024 State of Viewership Recap: 5 Key Takeaways


H1 2024 State of Viewership Recap: 5 Key Takeaways


Rebecca Fine
Assoc. Director of Marketing Insights & Content
Aug 28, 2024

Samba TV's H1 2024 State of Viewership Report analyzed more than 45 billion hours of global TV viewership across linear and streaming to reveal fascinating new insights, from how AI is disrupting the TV data industry, to women's sports reaching new heights, to how streaming platforms can prevent churn.

Amidst the shifts within our industry, we continue to follow the data to make sense of how audiences are engaging with streaming, linear, and advertising. Read on for five key takeaways and download the report for a deeper analysis.

1. With OTT consumption at a record high and linear TV declining, advertisers can no longer assume linear ads will reach the majority of their intended audience.

Across the U.S., U.K., and Australia, linear TV consumption throughout the first half of 2024 declined or remained flat. Meanwhile, over-the-top (OTT) hours viewed reached a record high in the U.S. Looking at just the U.S., 99M U.S. households watching OTT content throughout the half, demonstrating its strong adoption. Advertisers in turn must also shift away from linear and use precise targeting tactics like Samba Audience data segments, CTV PMPs, and online video PMPs.

2. Platform churn is rampant, making it essential for streamers to embrace innovative ways of driving retention.

With many viewers cycling through streaming subscriptions after watching only one piece of content on a platform, it's no wonder that streaming video-on-demand (SVOD) subscription cancellations hit a two-year high in 2024. In order to maintain subscribers, streamers need to promote bundling efforts, emphasize innovative content such as live streaming events, and optimize release schedules based on genre. For example, with docuseries representing the genre that viewers are most likely to binge, streamers would be well served to release these shows in bulk.

3. The Pharmaceutical & Medical and Health & Beauty sectors have gained traction, each increasing their share of ad impressions by two percentage points year-over-year.

The advertising landscape is dynamic, with emerging sectors gaining prominence alongside traditional leaders. For example, did you know that advertising in the Pets vertical increased by 17% year-over-year, making it the advertising vertical that saw the highest level of growth? To stay ahead of the curve advertisers should use Samba TV's true reach and frequency measurement to ensure they are reaching intended audiences at optimal frequency levels.

4. Using advanced AI technology will give advertisers a competitive advantage in understanding everything seen on-screen.

Samba TV launched new generative AI technology in 2024 that unlocks innovative insights for brands, such as recognizing products and logos seen on any type of TV content. HP was an early adopter, using the Samba AI technology to better understand the value of its sponsorship with Real Madrid and ultimately learning that it drove an average frequency of 17.2 throughout one UEFA Champions League game. With AI innovations providing actionable context to video, advertisers who embrace these new opportunities will have an edge in understanding the true value of their sponsorships.

5. Consumers are showing willingness to watch ads in exchange for lower subscription fees, with over half of SVOD sign-ups in 2024 driven by ad-tiers.

With the shift from linear to streaming, the question of where to reach consumers remains persistent for advertisers. Luckily, all major streaming platforms have now launched ad-supported options and consumers are showing willingness to watch ads in exchange for lower subscription fees. With more opportunities than ever to reach consumers exactly where they watch TV, advertisers must develop an omniscreen approach across devices and diversify buys through AVOD, FAST, and digital targeting.

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