FIIAPP - Fundación Internacional para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas

09/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Haitian ministries train to improve investments in nutrition


Haitian ministries train to improve investments in nutrition

Faced with the serious malnutrition problem facing the country, ministries have received training in nutrition budget analysis to ensure more efficient investments.

Haiti, one of the countries most affected by poverty and humanitarian crises in Latin America and the Caribbean, faces significant challenges in terms of nutrition and food security. With a high rate of child malnutrition - almost one in four children in the country suffers from chronic malnutrition according to UNICEF data - and problems related to extreme poverty, the mobilization and effective management of funds to improve food security and nutrition is essential.

In this context, a five-day training on nutrition investment cost analysis was held in Port-au-Prince at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). More than 30 participants from the Ministries of Public Health and Population (MSPP), Economy and Finance (MEF), National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE), Social Affairs and Labor (MAST) and the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Information (IHSI), have reinforced their capacities in multisectoral budget analysis for the implementation and monitoring of national and international investments in nutrition in Haiti.

The training plays a key role in strengthening national capacities to plan, implement and monitor nutrition projects, thus ensuring that resources are used effectively to address the most urgent needs of the Haitian population.

The training addressed four key issues: cost estimation of nutrition activities and monitoring of financial allocations; financial monitoring and gender budget analysis; staff capacity building; and the costing process.

This training, organized by the European program EU4SUN, led by FIIAPP (Spanish Cooperation) shows the commitment of the Spanish Cooperation to continue working in the country with an approach that goes beyond humanitarian assistance, also promoting the strengthening of public policies and the training of civil servants.

EU4SUN is supporting the cost analysis of Haiti's Strategic Multisectoral Nutrition Plan, which aims to establish the costs of the investments that will be necessary for the implementation of the plan. This exercise is an essential step in the planning and resource mobilization process of the Haitian government and external financial partners.

EU4SUN accompanies the SUN Movement in supporting countries to achieve SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and the N4G Growth Summit Commitments.