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09/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Indonesia and European Union launch EU Indonesia Cooperation Publication 2024 2025


Indonesia and European Union launch EU-Indonesia Cooperation Publication 2024-2025

© EU

Indonesia and European Union launch EU-Indonesia Cooperation Publication 2024-2025

The Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas and the European Union (EU) have launched the 2024-2025 EU-Indonesia Cooperation Publication on Tuesday (17/9), This publication is hoped to be a reference source for development actors and stakeholders, for it highlights the long-term partnership between the Government of Indonesia and EU,presenting various innovative programs and initiatives stemming from the long-term partnership and commitment of the two parties.

"Indonesia and the EUshare many common values, including a commitment to the rule of law, regional cohesion, and multilateralism. Amid the current uncertain conditions and increasing global challenges, the EUwill continue to be a loyal and reliable partner for Indonesia," said EUAmbassador to Indonesia, H.E. Denis Chaibi.

The Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa welcomed the launch of this publication. "The partnership between Indonesia and the EUhas played a key role in advancing various development priorities as outlined in the2025-2029National Medium-Term Development Plan, as well as in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This collaboration is a cornerstone of Indonesia's development efforts, and we look forward to even stronger and more efficient cooperation in the future. Together, we are building a better, more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future for Indonesia," said Minister SuharsoMonoarfa.

This publication presents the various programsbetween the Indonesian government and the EUin the fields of trade, investment, higher education, governance, human rights, the environment, and climate change. It also highlightsthe Global Gateway, which is the EU'sstrategy to address the most pressing global challenges, such asclimate change, and theimprovement ofhealthcare systems, competitiveness, and security of global supply chains.

The publication is available to download HERE