Chip Roy

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 20:59

Rep. Roy issues statement on H.R. 8958

WASHINGTON, DC - On Monday, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) issued the following statement:

"Today, I voted against H.R. 8958.

I have long supported the mission of NASA and its many contributions to the State of Texas, and to the country as a whole. However, the bill authorizes tens of billions of dollars in unpaid-for spending and was brought under suspension of the rules, meaning debate was limited and no amendments were considered.

That amounts to an unconscionable end run around the legislative process for an important authorization of a major federal agency. The American people deserve far more from us.

Moving forward, Congress must work to responsibly fund NASA and ensure proper oversight is conducted over what this government is doing with the American people's money."
