U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

09/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 15:43

Hearing Wrap Up: Biden-Harris Administration’s Disastrous Record Hurting Americans

Press ReleasePublished: Sep 19, 2024

Hearing Wrap Up: Biden-Harris Administration's Disastrous Record Hurting Americans

WASHINGTON-Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability held a hearing titled "A Legacy of Incompetence: Consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration's Policy Failures." At the hearing, Republican lawmakers exposed how the American people continue to suffer under the Biden-Harris Administration's weak leadership and detrimental policy agenda. Earlier today, Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) released a memorandum which details how record-high inflation, the worst border crisis in American history, and current chaos on the global stage can be traced to policy and management decisions made by the Biden-Harris Administration. Instead of defending the Biden-Harris Administration's policies, Committee Democrats spent hours attacking former President Donald Trump to cover up this administration's disastrous record. Republicans discussed solutions with witnesses that could help reverse the damage caused by the Biden-Harris Administration and provide Americans relief.

Key Takeaways:

The Biden-Harris Administration's disastrous policies and poor leadership record have fueled crisis after crisis.

  • The Biden-Harris Administration has pushed an expansive and costly regulatory agenda, eliminated deterrent-focused immigration policies at the southern border, mismanaged taxpayer funds, and created instability on the global stage.This Administration's policies form the basis of the committee's findings in a new memorandum titled, "Consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration's Mismanagement and Policy Failures," showing how this Administration's policies and weak leadership sparked multiple crises.
  • Chairman James Comer: "Three and a half years ago, when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, they promised to 'Build Back Better.' The fawning media told us that 'the adults are back in the room.' But three and a half years later, the economy is suffering, the border is broken, and crises continue to erupt worldwide. Everything Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has touched has failed. The evidence of President Biden and Vice President Harris's incompetent and weak leadership is seen and felt by Americans across our nation. The Oversight Committee has been vigilant this Congress to uncover what works, what doesn't, and how to move forward as this Administration has drifted from crisis to crisis."

Expert witnesses with backgrounds in border security, economics, energy policy, government operations, national security and international affairs testified the Biden-Harris Administration's policies created a border crisis, wasted billions in taxpayer funds, damaged America's international credibility, jeopardized U.S. energy production, and hurt Americans' pocketbooks.

  • Mark Krikorian, Executive Director for the Center for Immigration Studies: "President Biden did not simply reverse Trump-era border security policies, however. In a significant - if not tectonic - break from every one of its predecessors, the Biden-Harris Administration has rejected any action that would deter illegal entrants as a border policy."
  • Brendan Carr, Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission: "In 2021, Vice President Harris agreed to lead the Administration's signature, $42 billion plan for expanding high-speed internet to millions of Americans. It has now been 1,039 days since the $42 billion program was signed into law. After all of that time, not one person has been connected to the Internet with those dollars-not one home, not one business. So what has the Biden-Harris Administration been doing over the last 1,039 days instead of focusing on connecting Americans? It has been layering on red tape and advancing a wish list of progressive policy goals that may cater to favored political constituencies, but undermine the goal of connecting all Americans. The $42 billion program being led by Vice President Harris is being used to pursue a climate change agenda, DEI requirements, technology biases, price controls, preferences for government-run networks, and rules that will undoubtedly lead to wasteful overbuilding. All of this will leave rural and other unconnected communities behind."
  • Meaghan Mobbs, Director of the Center for American Safety and Security: "The core duty of any government is to protect its people. Yet, over the last four years, the world has only grown more dangerous. Under the current administration, we have witnessed the largest attack on a European nation in 85 years and the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. Our enemies no longer view the United States as a nation ready to act with strength and resolve when confronted. Instead, they witnessed an administration more focused on diplomatic gestures and conciliatory measures, often at the expense of American security."
  • Mandy Gunasekera, Former Chief of Staff at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: "Corporate media and Democrats are working overtime to re-write the truth of the Biden-Harris Administration and their abysmal record of failures. From President Biden's promise to 'end all fossil fuels' alongside VP Kamala Harris' commitment to ban fracking Americans have suffered for over 3.5 years under their radical agenda. Since January 2021, President Biden and congressional democrats have taken over 250 different actions that make it harder to produce energy in America."

Instead of defending policies implemented by the Biden-Harris Administration, Oversight Committee Democrats spent hours recycling old talking points to attack former President Trump. Republicans will continue to expose the consequences of this Administration's policy agenda and discuss solutions to provide Americans relief.

Member Highlights:

Chairman Comer emphasized the Biden-Harris Administration's record shows they enacted policies to erode border security, waste billions of taxpayer dollars, and leave all Americans vulnerable.

Chairman Comer: "Vice President Harris has claimed repeatedly that 'Bidenomics is working' and is 'a term we are very proud of.' Yet Americans have faced 20 percent average inflation since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office. The price of everything has gone up. More Americans are now having to choose whether to pay their energy bill, pay rent, or buy food. They signaled to the world our border was open. The Biden-Harris Administration grossly mismanages the very government programs they champion. American taxpayers-who are already struggling with sky-high inflation-are on the hook to pay for the Biden-Harris Administration's boondoggles. How is this record something to be proud of?"

Chairman Comer noted that the House Oversight Committee is committed to protecting taxpayer dollars and rooting out waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in the federal government. He highlighted how the Biden-Harris Administration has spent billions of taxpayer dollars on broadband connectivity with nothing to show for it.

Chairman Comer: "Who is primarily to blame for the broadband connectivity program for falling through? We spent all this money for broadband access, and I know my district needs that but no one in benefiting. What is the Administration's role in that?"

Mr. Carr: "Under Vice President Harris, this Administration has prioritized a progressive wish list of issues. They want to put DEI requirements in place. Price controls in place. This has delayed the program."

Chairman Comer: "That is so bad. This is exactly what this Committee is about. We must root out waste, fraud, and abuse."

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) discussed how the Biden-Harris Administration has pushed burdensome regulations and weaponized environmental reviews to delay critical American energy production projects.

Rep. Donalds: "Does the Biden-Harris Administration's EPA use environmental impact assessments and if you are trying to limit permit applications for drilling would this be a way of doing that?"

Ms. Gunasekera: "This is a tool that this Administration has used. It is a way to keep important infrastructure improvements in bureaucratic purgatory."

Rep. Donalds: "Would you argue that this Administration is using these tools to slow walk energy projects?"

Ms. Gunasekera: "The Biden-Harris Administration is an expert at using the federal government and weaponizing these processes to undermine key energy projects that we need."

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) highlighted how taxpayer funds have been abused by the Biden-Harris Administration and excessive spending has fueled high inflation.

Rep. Foxx: "As I have said before, the Biden-Harris Administration has managed to add $1.3 trillion in costs on Americans. What would be the impact of these costs on consumers?"

Ms. Gunasekera: "It makes the price of everything go up. Regulatory costs are ultimately taken on by the consumer. At the end of the day, it means Americans are paying more for gas, electricity, and groceries at the store."

Rep. Foxx: "Families have seen the cost of everything rise by over 20%. This means families pay 11,000 dollars more each year to maintain the same lifestyle."

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) pointed out the Biden-Harris Administration's open border agenda and decision to abandon deterrent-focused immigration policies have ignited the worst border crisis in American history.

Rep. Biggs: "Please let me know if these figures are accurate. Were eight million illegal aliens encountered by border patrol under this Administration?

Mr. Krikorian: "Actually more because that is just the southern border."

Rep. Biggs: "Right. Were 5.6 million illegal aliens released into the country by this Administration?"

Mr. Krikorian: "Yes, and they are not transparent about it."

Rep. Biggs: "1.9 million getaways?"

Mr. Krikorian: "Yes."

Rep. Biggs: "I was just at the border two weeks ago. I can tell you that this Administration loves an open border and provide every incentive to break our laws."

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) stressed the Biden-Harris Administration has failed on the international stage and their lack of leadership has emboldened foreign adversaries around the world.

Rep. Mace: "The Biden-Harris Administration inherited a world at peace and turned it into a world at war. Our allies are under attack, adversaries are emboldened, and America embarrassed on the world stage. In fact, this Administration was forced to evacuate seven embassies."

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) highlighted how the United States is suffering from a military recruitment crisis because the Biden-Harris Administration is focusing on military policies that prioritize woke diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Rep. Perry: "Why is the military having a difficult time recruiting? Is there a difference in policies between this Administration and others?"

Ms. Mobbs: "This Administration has focused more on initiatives of equity and inclusion. This Administration spends time on individuality and one place we can't do that is in our military."


Comer Opens Hearing on Biden-Harris Administration's Legacy of Incompetence