GBTA - Global Business Travel Association Inc.

09/20/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 10:38

Joining GBTA Has Been One of the Best Decisions for My Professional Development

In this feature series, GBTA's Board of Directors share their views on topics that matter most to members, the industry and the way forward for business travel. Today's guest author is GBTA Board member Ronda Dean, US Travel Manager for F5, Inc. 

I owe my career to GBTA - a bold statement, but true! Had it not been for GBTA I would not have my career today. By attending GBTA events and meeting fellow professionals, I've grown my connections, mentors and opportunities to advance my career, and you can, too!

Here's how:

Networking OpportunitiesExpanded Network:
- Volunteering puts you in contact with professionals in the travel industry, expanding your exposure and professional network.

Relationship Building:
- Regular interaction with others in our industry can lead to strong professional relationships, making it easier to seek advice, mentorship or job opportunities.

Increased VisibilityShowcase Your Abilities:
- Active involvement in GBTA can showcase your skill set, expertise and work ethic to a broader audience, including potential employers or collaborators.

Leadership Roles:
- By taking on leadership roles within GBTA, you demonstrate initiative and leadership potential, which can enhance your reputation.

Industry InsightStaying Informed:
- GBTA provides access to the latest industry trends, research and best practices. This will make you a subject matter expert and ahead of the curve.

Understanding Industry Dynamics:
- You gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in our industry, which can be valuable in strategic career decision-making.

Career AdvancementResume Building:
- Involvement in GBTA can strengthen your resume, showing potential employers you are engaged and proactive in your career development.

Potential for Career Growth:
- The skills, network and visibility gained through volunteering with your local Chapter or GBTA globally can open doors to promotions, new job opportunities or even a career change.

Personal FulfillmentGiving Back:
- GBTA has offered me a sense of fulfillment by giving back to our travel community, which has enhanced my overall career satisfaction.

Work-Life Balance:
- Engaging in activities outside of your regular job can provide a healthy balance, making you more well-rounded and resilient in your career.

Volunteering with GBTA can be a strategic move to boost your career! If you're not already involved, I encourage you to start today by following GBTA on social media and contacting your local chapter or regional representative.