Vermont Council on Arts Inc.

12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 09:19

Dec. 16, 2024 Support the arts in Vermont | 2025 Arts Awards nominations due | artists and AI survey | “Beyond Burlington: Vermont’s Creative Sector in Chittenden County” |[...]

Does your business or organization attract out-of-state tourists? You can help the Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM) collect important data by encouraging visitors to take the Vermont Visitor Survey. This year-long study of Vermont visitors will help VDTM improve their marketing efforts.

People are currently on the ground conducting the in-person survey, and online surveys are also being collected. VDTM offers a variety of materials to help you encourage visitors to take the online survey, including posters, postcards, table tents, and more.

Request promo materials for the Vermont Visitors Survey.