California Senate Republican Caucus

10/11/2024 | Press release | Archived content

ICYMI: While bad gas price hike measure moves forward in Senate, Republicans double-down on calls for real relief

This morning in the Southern California News Group newspapers Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh(R-Yucaipa) called out the parliamentary maneuvering by Senate Democrats that blocked an effort to cut gas prices by 60 cents per gallon, in an opinion articletitled "California families need a break at the pump, let's suspend the gas tax today."Senator Ochoa Bogh's Op-ed is published hours before the California State Senate is scheduled to take a floor vote on AB 2x-1, a bill that is strongly advocated by Governor Newsom, which he has been warned will drive up gas prices.

Below are excerpts from her Op-ed:

"Californians are paying the highest gas taxes in the nation, which adds a significant financial strain on families already struggling to cover their basic needs. The average Californian loses $300 to the gas tax each year, and as of today, the average price per gallon in California is more than $1.50 higher than the national average. …

"So, what can be done? We can suspend the gas tax immediately and bring much-needed relief to California families, especially as we approach the holiday season. Lowering the price of gas has a ripple effect-it doesn't just reduce the cost of fuel, it brings down the price of all goods transported within the state. …

"… I've drafted a bill to suspend the gas tax for a year and use state reserves to back up road repairs, which are typically funded by gas tax revenues. … But so far, Senate Democrats have refused to let me introduce the bill, using political and procedural tactics to block it. They don't want to debate the issue or go on record opposing this commonsense solution." ...

This public callout comes after Senator Ochoa Bogh sent a letter to the Senate President Pro Temporeurging him to reconsider her bill, after he blocked it without consideration from the Senate.

On Monday, Senator Ochoa Bogh attempted to introduce a bill to pause gas taxes as soon as the Senate officially began the governor's Extraordinary Special Session, yet Senate Democrat leadership blocked that effort.

"It's shameful that Senate Democrats are engaging in political theatrics while California families continue to bear the brunt of the highest gas prices in the nation," Senator Ochoa Bogh said at the time. "They're putting on a show while families are struggling to make ends meet. My bill would have lowered gas prices by 60 cents per gallon - real savings for real people."

While the Senate is set to consider the governor's gas price hike that will cost drivers at the pump today, it remains to be seen whether or not they will compromise on debating a measure to halt the state's gas tax.

"It shouldn't be this hard to debate gas taxes, yet secrecy seems to be what the majority party wants right now," said Senator Brian Dahle(R-Bieber) on Sen. Ochoa Bogh's efforts. "While the governor can try to hide behind state agencies and pass a massive secret gas tax, Republicans in the Legislature will continue working to lower gas prices and elevate the debate to the people's house to bring relief to the people, where it belongs."

This is not the first time Senator Ochoa Bogh has fought against the gas tax. In addition to supporting several Senate Republican budget requests in 2022, she even brought forth a measure that would have waved an upcoming increase and suspended the gas tax.

"If not now, when?" Senator Ochoa Bogh posed to Californians in an editorial piecethat same year.

Democrats failed to act then - just as they are failing to act now.