Lee University

09/25/2024 | News release | Archived content

Lamb Writes Book on Discipleship

Dr. William Lamb

Lee University's Dr. William Lamb, director of the Leonard Center and associate professor of leadership development, recently wrote a book titled "Trek On: The Journey of a Disciple."

"For people who operate, live, and work in the faith community, sometimes it's easy to live within our jargon and forget that there are other people who might not be as well-versed as we are in both Scripture and in terminology," said Lamb. "Realizing the deficiency of discipleship within the modern church, I decided that I would write a work that would introduce this idea of what it means to be responsible in our discipleship."

"Trek On" outlines eight essential characteristics of being a disciple of Christ, including commitment, integrity, and evangelism. The book recounts reflections from Lamb's personal life that affected his ministry, as well as instructs the reader on the qualities of Christian living.

"Sometimes the church has tended to encourage discipleship without giving clear instruction on how to become a disciple of Christ," said Dr. Terry Cross, dean of the School of Theology & Ministry at Lee. "Lamb's book offers us the how!"

Lamb has ministered across the United States and 25 other countries since 1984. Alongside serving as an administrator and professor at Lee, he is the founder and president of Relational Leadership Essentials, an organization committed to developing servant leaders. He holds a doctorate in organizational leadership, a master's degree in youth and family systems, and a bachelor's degree in ministry.

According to Lamb, he wrote "Trek On" with the idea that churches or individuals can use this instrument as a Bible Study, a tool, or a discussion-whatever the case may be-as they develop themselves in their own discipleship as well as discipling others.

The book is available for purchase at White Wing Christian Bookstore, Pathway Press, and

relationalleadershipessentials.com. Readers can also choose to purchase a journal that accompanies the book to help them during reflection and prayer.