SESAR - Single European Sky ATM Research

09/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 02:31

New call launched for SESAR 3 JU Digital Sky Demonstrators to get started in 2025

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has launched a new EUR 2.5 billion call under the Connecting Europe Facility, containing provisions for a series of SESAR JU Digital European Sky Demonstrators in the areas of automation, virtualisation and support for the Green Deal. The Demonstrators are a key tool to support the SESAR JU's vision of delivering the Digital European Sky, and making Europe the most efficient and environmentally-friendly sky to fly in the world. The Demonstrators, when selected, are expected to be launched in 2025 and to run until 2027.

The Demonstrators match the ambitions of several key EU policy initiatives, such as the "sustainable and smart mobility strategy" and "Europe fit for the digital age". They aim to accelerate the implementation of operational measures and technological innovations to improve the fuel efficiency of flights, reduce CO2 emissions, reduce aircraft noise impact, and improve air quality in and around the airports. Furthermore, the Demonstrators also support the move to a more flexible, scalable, resilient, safe, and secure ATM that can withstand disruptions in the aviation system.