Republican Party of New Mexico

10/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/23/2024 14:49

Harris, Heinrich, and Vasquez: Out of Touch with New Mexican Values

ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 23-New Mexicans are struggling with unaffordable groceries, skyrocketing healthcare costs, and an open southern border while Democrats Sen. Martin Heinrich and Rep. Gabe Vasquez continue to follow Kamala Harris's progressive playbook. Their support for policies that will drive up costs, eliminate private health insurance, and keep the border wide open expose how out of touch they are with the issues that matter most to New Mexicans.

"Martin Heinrich's voting record speaks for itself-he has voted with Biden and Harris's far-left policies almost 99% of the time," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. "In 2023 and 2024, he voted 100% with the administration, proving that Heinrich is not for New Mexico but a puppet of Kamala Harris and the progressive elites in Washington."

Gabe Vasquez is a proponent of the same extreme positions that Heinrich and Harris have championed for years. Vasquez's positions on immigration, healthcare, and energy are a mirror image of Kamala's, pushing forth an extreme agenda that is disconnected from the values of New Mexico families.

"It's time to fire Harris, Heinrich, and Vasquez along with all the Democrats who have jeopardized the safety, security, and prosperity of New Mexico families in order to cater to the radical far-left," Pearce continued. "It is crucial we elect Republicans across the ballot who will take our state in a direction that prioritizes New Mexicans' values over Washington's."