FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

09/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Summaries | September 2024 Commission Meeting

These are summaries of orders voted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at its September 19 public meeting. Links to each order will be provided below once the order is issued. The summaries are produced by FERC's Office of External Affairs and are intended to provide only a general synopsis of the orders. These summaries are not intended as a substitute for the Commission's official orders. To determine the specific actions and the Commission's reasoning, please consult the individual orders when they are posted to FERC's eLibrary found at www.ferc.gov.

News Release | E-1, Supply Chain Risk Management Reliability Standards Revisions, Docket No. RM24-4-000 and E-2, North American Electric Reliability Corp., Docket No. RM24-7-000

E-3 | Idaho Power Company, Docket No. ER24-10-001
Order on Compliance

The order finds that Idaho Power Company's second compliance filing partially complies with the requirements of Order Nos. 2023 and 2023-A. The order accepts the second compliance filing in part and directs a further compliance filing.

E-4 | Puget Sound Energy, Inc., Docket Nos. ER24-1559-000 & ER24-1559-001
Order on Compliance

The order finds that Puget Sound Energy, Inc.'s compliance filing partially complies with the requirements of Order Nos. 2023 and 2023-A. The order accepts the compliance filing in part and directs a further compliance filing.

E-5 | Black Hills Colorado Electric, LLC, Docket No. ER24-2023-000
Order on Compliance

The order finds that Black Hills Colorado Electric, LLC's compliance filing partially complies with the requirements of Order Nos. 2023 and 2023-A. The order accepts the compliance filing in part and directs a further compliance filing.

E-6 | Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc., Docket No. ER24-2027-000
Order on Compliance

The order finds that Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc.'s compliance filing partially complies with the requirements of Order Nos. 2023 and 2023-A. The order accepts the compliance filing in part and directs a further compliance filing.

E-7 | Valcour Altona Windpark, LLC, et al., Docket No. ER19-1793-002, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for the Northeast region filed by several market-based rate sellers indirectly owned by Alberta Investment Management Corporation and/or The AES Corporation.

E-8 | Bridgeport Energy LLC, et al., Docket No. ER19-1634-003, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for the Northeast region filed by several market-based rate sellers owned and controlled by investment fund vehicles managed or advised by The Carlyle Group or affiliates thereof.

E-9 | Blackstone Wind Farm, LLC, et al., Docket No. ER10-2398-014, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for the Northeast region filed by several market-based rate sellers directly or indirectly owned by EDP Renewables North America LLC.

E-10 | Duquesne Light Company, et al., Docket No. ER10-1917-027, et al.
Order Accepting Updated Market Power Analysis

The order accepts an updated market power analysis for the Northeast region filed by Duquesne Light Company and Duquesne Power, LLC.

E-11 | Southwest Power Pool, Inc., Docket No. ER24-2570-000
Order Accepting Tariff Revisions

The order accepts proposed revisions submitted by Southwest Power Pool, Inc. to its Open Access Transmission Tariff to allow make-whole payments for incremental energy costs impacted by the incremental energy offer caps instituted by Order No. 831.

E-12 | Virginia Municipal Electric Association #1 v. Virginia Electric and Power Co., Docket No. EL24-99-000
Order Dismissing Complaint

The order dismisses Virginia Municipal Electric Association #1's (VMEA) complaint, which alleges that Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO) improperly accounted for costs related to VEPCO's purchases of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative credits, leading VEPCO to overcharge VMEA for wholesale power under the parties' contract. The order declines to exercise primary jurisdiction over the dispute.

E-13 | Enerwise Global Technologies, LLC v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Docket No. EL23-104-000
Order Denying Complaint

The order denies a complaint filed by Enerwise Global Technologies, LLC (CPower) against PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM). CPower argues that the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff (Tariff) is unjust, unreasonable and unduly discriminatory because it prevents Curtailment Service Providers from using approved statistical sampling rules to provide demand response for interval metered residential customers in PJM markets. The order finds that CPower has not shown that the Tariff is unjust, unreasonable or unduly discriminatory or preferential.

G-1 | Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, Docket No. RM96-1-43
Final Rule, Order No. 587-AA

The final rule incorporates, by reference, the most recent version (Version 4.0) of the Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines adopted by the Wholesale Gas Quadrant of the North American Energy Standards Board, with a few exceptions.

G-2 | Vector Pipeline L.P., Docket No. RP24-971-000
Order Instituting Investigation and Setting Matter for Hearing Procedures

The order initiates an investigation, pursuant to section 5 of the Natural Gas Act, to determine whether Vector Pipeline L.P.'s current rates are just and reasonable. The order sets the matter for hearing procedures.

C-1 | ANR Pipeline Company, Docket No. CP23-15-001|
Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing

The order addresses arguments raised on rehearing of a notice denying an untimely motion to intervene in ANR's Wisconsin Reliability Project proceeding.

C-2 | National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation, Docket No. CP24-68-000
Order Approving Abandonment

The order grants National Fuel's abandonment by sale request for the Derby Storage Field in Erie County, New York. Although this action qualifies as a categorical exclusion, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requested that staff prepare an environmental assessment (EA) to examine potential impacts from the purchaser's future actions with the wells from storage to production. Staff evaluated whether any extraordinary circumstances were present and found that an EA is not required.

C-3 | LA Storage, LLC, Docket No. CP24-487-000
Order Amending Certificate

The order authorizes LA Storage, LLC to amend the previously authorized Hackberry Storage Project in Cameron and Calcasieu Parishes, Louisiana. In its amendment application, LA Storage requests to reduce the diameter of the Hackberry Pipeline from 42 inches to 36 inches.

C-4 |Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC, Docket Nos. CP18-7-000, CP20-21-000 and CP23-513-000
Order Vacating in Part Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

The order vacates, in part, certificates of public convenience and necessity issued to Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC with respect to a limited segment of the Louisiana Connector Project that has been certificated but has not been constructed. Port Arthur Pipeline states that the demand for transportation previously contemplated for certain of the Louisiana Connector Project facilities can be met without construction of segment of pipeline facilities at issue.

C-5 | Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC, Docket Nos. CP15-550-002 and CP15-550-000
Order Establishing Additional Procedures Before an Administrative Law Judge

The order authorizes the Presiding Administrative Law Judge to address or resolve any disputes arising from the interpretation of the Order Establishing Hearing Procedures and the Protective Order issued in the proceeding.

C-6 | Leaf River Energy Center LLC, Docket No. CP24-40-000
Order Amending Certificate

The order amends Leaf River's Natural Gas Act section 7 certificate by authorizing it to use and operate its jurisdictional leaching facilities located at its natural gas storage field in Smith, Jasper, and Clarke Counties, Mississippi, to create five hydrogen storage caverns that will be developed and operated by a non-jurisdictional company. Once completed, Leaf River will operate the leaching facilities to maintain both the jurisdictional natural gas storage caverns and the non-jurisdictional hydrogen storage caverns. To mitigate the potential risks to the integrity of the natural gas caverns and provision of authorized natural gas storage services, the order includes four engineering conditions to the certificate.

H-1 | Pembroke Tidal Power Project, LLC, Project No. 15340-001
Order Issuing Preliminary Permit and Granting Priority to File License Application

The order issues a preliminary permit to Pembroke Tidal Power Project, LLC to study the feasibility of developing the Pembroke Tidal Power Plant, which would be located in Cobscook Bay, at the mouth of the Pennamaquan River, in Pembroke Township, Washington County, Maine.

H-2 | Village of Highland Falls High-Point Utility, LDC, Project Nos. 7656-019 and 7656-017
Order Revoking License and Dismissing Rehearing Request

The order revokes the license for the 75-kilowatt Buttermilk Falls Hydroelectric Project No. 7656, located in Orange County, New York,because of the Village of Highland Falls High-Point Utility's longstanding failure to: (1) obtain necessary property rights pursuant to Standard Article 5 of its license; (2) comply with Commission staff's September 21, 2017, Order Approving Transfer of License and Terminating Implied Surrender Proceeding; and (3) comply with Commission staff's June 30, 2023, Compliance Order. The order also dismisses, as moot, intervenors' rehearing request of the Commission's June 30, 2023, Compliance Order.