Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

09/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

HRC 57 Session. Panel on Quality Education for Peace and Tolerance for Every Child

HRC 57 Session. Panel on Quality Education for Peace and Tolerance for Every Child

18 September, 2024

Delivered by Ms. Lilit Toutkhalian, Minister Extraordinary and Envoy Plenipotentiary

Mr. President,

Armenia thanks the panelists for insightful presentations.

The strengthening of the right to education firstly solidifies our existing commitments in the international legal framework and secondly, it has a long-term impact on the socio-economic development of States.

Toward that goal, for many years now, Armenia has been practicing free pre-primary and secondary education. We are already witnessing the benefits of this approach which contributed largely to the development of our nation. We also try to continue to further efforts of the international community in achieving this pivotal role, including within the framework of the HRC.

Needless to say, that peace and tolerance should be the cornerstones of education anchored in respect for human rights. Those States that do not practice it internationally sow the seeds of hatred and xenophobia.

The UN CERD recently expressed its concern "about reports that school textbooks in Azerbaijan promote prejudice and incite racial hatred, particularly against ethnic Armenians."

The Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance reported that "an entire generation of Azerbaijanis has now grown up listening to this hateful rhetoric."

Children should not be victims of the State induced intolerance.

Thank you.