NRCC - National Republican Congressional Committee

09/20/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 11:03

Jahana Hayes voted for more sanctuary city hellscapes

Jahana Hayes voted for more sanctuary city hellscapes

September 20, 2024

Jahana Hayes just voted for American taxpayers to foot the bill for liberals' radical and unsafe sanctuary cities.

For years, ICE has warned that sanctuary jurisdictions create a "public safety threat," but Jahana Hayes can't help herself and supports dangerous far-left open border policies that put her communities at risk.

"Even when sanctuary cities are proven to be a 'public safety threat,' Jahana Hayes can't help but put her far-left open borders agenda ahead of the safety of her communities. Taxpayers don't deserve to pay for Democrats' crime-ridden hellscapes." - NRCC Spokeswoman Savannah Viar