Sumter County, FL

12/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/12/2024 07:59

Sumter County to Convert CR 103 and Woodridge Drive Intersection to Multi-Way Stop Control

The Sumter County Board of County Commissioners approved the study recommendation for the conversion of the intersection at CR 103 and Woodridge Drive from a two-way stop control to a multi-way (four-way) stop. This decision follows a thorough Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) conducted by the County's on-call engineering consultant, Kimley-Horn.

The evaluation, which focused on improving traffic safety and flow, identified the need for this change based on the current traffic conditions and accident history.

"After careful analysis by our engineering team and consultant, this change will create a safer environment for all road users in the area," said Matthew Tadlock, Assistant Public Works Director of Planning and Design.

Message boards will be posted in the area beginning in January to advise drivers of the upcoming changes. The completion schedule of the intersection modifications is January 10, 2025.

Sumter County Public Works is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the county's infrastructure. This includes ensuring the safety and well-being of residents through effective traffic management, road maintenance, and other essential public works services.