IRU - International Road Transport Union

10/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/15/2024 03:15

Industry and policymakers gather to shape the future of EU road transport

Industry leaders and Members of the European Parliament meet today to discuss and define the next steps for the EU commercial road transport sector.

Today, industry leaders and Members of the European Parliament are coming together for IRU's exclusive Manifesto dinner debate at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event, bringing together 250 key figures from across the sector and EU policymakers, will drive forward critical discussions on the future of commercial road transport in Europe.

At the heart of the evening's discussions is the IRU EU Manifesto, which outlines key policy actions for the next legislative term. Centred around three crucial pillars, people, environment and prosperity, the Manifesto focuses on solving the most pressing challenges facing the industry.

IRU EU Advocacy Director Raluca Marian said, "This event is a crucial platform to align the industry's priorities with the European Parliament's legislative agenda."

"Together, we must take decisive action on key issues, including addressing the shortage of drivers, setting realistic CO₂ standards and advancing digitalisation. Today's discussions will set the course for a more sustainable, efficient and prosperous future for EU road transport," she added.

The event will feature interactive debates and discussions focused on the Manifesto's three pillars:

  1. People: Addressing the driver shortage, improving access to the profession, and enhancing working conditions
  2. Environment: Re-setting CO₂ standards for heavy-duty vehicles, establishing an EU-wide grid for zero-emission transport, and harmonising urban access regulations
  3. Prosperity: Accelerating the digitalisation of transport documents, setting pragmatic rules on vehicle weights and dimensions, and ensuring fair access to in-vehicle data

Hosted in the members' restaurant of the European Parliament, the event will provide a platform for industry and policymakers to exchange views and propose concrete actions for the future of the sector.

Our hosts are:

  1. Roberts Zīle, Vice-President of the European Parliament; Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism; Coordinator of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) in TRAN
  2. Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism; Member of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
  3. Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism; Coordinator of the Renew Europe Group in TRAN
  4. Virginijus Sinkevičius, Vice-chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism; Member of the Group of the Greens

As the EU navigates the challenges of climate change, technological innovation and economic competitiveness, the outcomes of tonight's debate will help shape the policies that will drive road transport forward.