KHI - Kansas Health Institute Inc.

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 15:39

2024 Kansas Legislative Recap - Bill Tracker

This table comprises health-related bills from the 2024 legislative session, which began on Jan. 8 and ended shortly after midnight on Wednesday, May 1. The bill tracker accompanies the 2024 Legislative Recap issue brief. Special thanks to Kansas Legislative Research Department staff for their contributions to this publication.

Abortion Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 527 Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion; providing the penalties therefor; providing for enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to compel a woman to obtain an abortion Hearing, no vote
S Sub for HB 2436 Creating the crime of coercion to obtain an abortion; providing the penalties therefor; providing enhanced criminal penalties for offenses committed with the intent to compel a woman to obtain an abortion Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill Veto overridden; Related bills: SB 527
HB 2749 Requiring the reporting of the reasons for each abortion performed in this state at a medical care facility or by a health care provider; requiring a written report of pregnancies lawfully terminated to be submitted by medical care facilities and persons licensed to practice medicine and surgery to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) on a biannual, rather than annual, basis Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed Passed Veto overridden
HB 2813 Creating the crime of reproductive coercion that includes coercion to obtain an abortion or to gain control over the reproductive autonomy of another person by force Passed, as amended Died on Calendar

Children and Minors

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
H Sub for H Sub for SB 96 Establishing child care licensing requirements relating to license capacity and staff-to-child ratios, eliminating certain license fees and training requirements, creating a process for day care facility licensees to apply for temporary waiver of certain statutory requirements, authorizing KDHE to develop and operate pilot programs to increase child care facility availability or capacity, transferring certain child care programs to the Kansas Office of Early Childhood Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Substitute bill passed Died in Conference;
Related bills:
HB 2135, S Sub for HB 2344, SB 8; SB 282
SB 115 Establishing the Office of the Child Advocate, prescribing certain powers, duties and functions; authorizing access to certain records related to children and minors by the Office of the Child Advocate Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Signed;
Related Bills:
HB 2549, S Sub for HB 2070
SB 282 Establishing license capacity and staff-to-child ratios; lowering license fees and training requirements; required age of child care center staff; creating a process for day care facility licensees to apply for temporary waiver of certain statutory requirements; authorizing KDHE to develop and operate pilot programs to increase day care facility availability and capacity Hearing, no vote Related bill:
H Sub for H Sub for SB 96
SB 394 Requiring the use of age verification technology to permit access to internet websites containing material that is harmful to minors; providing civil penalties for violations; establishing a civil cause of action for damages, attorney fees and costs Passed Passed Passed Passed Became law without Governor's signature;
Related bill: HB 2592
H Sub for SB 420 Allowing juvenile offenders in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) to leave the juvenile correctional facility for certain types of programming and educational activities Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill CCR adopted; Signed; Related bill: SB 414
S Sub for HB 2070 Establishing the Office of the Child Advocate as an independent state agency and prescribing certain powers, duties and functions therefor; authorizing access to certain records; making orders granting custody for adoption subject to the federal Indian Child Welfare Act; directing the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) to consider foster parents as prospective adoptive parents under certain circumstances; requiring DCF to report certain data on adoptions; authorizing the appeal of any order of placement of a child, providing for retroactively Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill Died in Conference;
Related bills:
SB 115, H Sub for Sub for SB 232
Sub for HB 2189 Providing for an extension or reentry of custody for persons up to 21 years of age; allowing DCF to provide reentry services to certain young adults Passed substitute bill Died on Calendar
HB 2299 Directing DCF to consider foster parents as prospective adoptive parents under certain circumstances; requiring DCF to report on certain data on adoptions; making orders granting custody for adoption subject to the federal Indiana Child Welfare Act Passed, as amended; Passed, as further amended Died on Calendar Related bill:
H Sub for Sub for SB 32
HB 2300 Requiring a duly ordained minister of religion to report certain abuse and neglect of children except when reporting would violate the penitential communication privilege Passed Died on Calendar
S Sub for HB 2344 Establishing license capacity and staff-to-child ratios; lowering license fees and training requirements; creating a process for day care facility licenses to apply for a temporary waiver of certain statutory requirements; authorizing KDHE to develop and operate pilot programs to increase child care facility availability and capacity Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill, as amended Veto sustained;
Related bill:H Sub for H Sub for SB 96
HB 2381 Requiring the court to appoint an attorney to represent a child who is the subject of child in need of care proceeding and allowing for the optional appointment of a guardian ad litem. Hearing, no vote
HB 2536 Establishing SOUL (support, opportunity, unity legal relationships) family legal permanency as a permanency option for children in need of care who are 16 years of age or older; reconciling the definition of behavioral health crisis in the revised Kansas Code for Care of Children Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Signed
HB 2549 Amending law in the Kansas Adoption and Relinquishment Act governing petitions to terminate parental rights and notice required to be given in a hearing on a petition for adoption Passed Passed, as amended Passed Passed Signed; Related bill: SB 115
HB 2554 Directing the Secretary for DCF to identify relatives and persons with whom a child in custody of DCF has close emotional ties for placement and send notice of custody to the persons when identified. Hearing, no vote
HB 2580 Permitting a court to consent to mental, emotional and behavioral health treatment to medical services that may be provided to a child alleged or adjudicated to be a child in need of care. Hearing, no vote
HB 2581 Eliminating the requirement that the court order child support to be paid to DCF when custody of the child is awarded to DCF; allowing DCF to request child support payments in a child in need of care petition Passed, as amended Stricken from Calendar
HB 2592 Requiring the use of age-verification technology to permit access to internet websites containing material that is harmful to minors; providing for civil penalties for violations; establishing a civil cause of action for damages, attorney fees and costs Hearing, no vote Related bill: SB 394
HB 2628 Requiring DCF to release certain information related to a child fatality when criminal charges are filed with a court alleging that a person caused such fatality Passed Passed Passed Passed Signed
HB 2629 Amending provisions in law pertaining to the State Child Death Review Board; eliminating certain reporting requirements by a coroner involving the investigation and autopsy of a child death, requiring KDHE to provide the Board with a copy of the child's death certificate, requiring a coroner to immediately notify the parent or legal guardian that an autopsy of their child has been completed and to provide information on how to obtain the autopsy results Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Signed
HB 2675 Enacting the Uniform Nonparent Visitation Act; removing provisions related to grandparent and stepparent visitation rights Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Signed
HB 2703 Including placement in the custody of DCF as a criteria for eligibility for at-risk programs and services Passed Passed Passed Passed Signed
HB 2772 Establishing the Kansas Indian Child Welfare Act and providing additional requirements for child custody proceedings involving an Indiana child. Hearing, no vote

Controlled Substances and Addiction Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 307 Adding for-profit private entities to the definition of "qualified applicants" in the Kansas Fights Addiction Act Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Signed
SB 414 Requiring certain persons on third or subsequent conviction of driving under the influence to participate in a multidisciplinary model of services for substance use disorders; increasing criminal penalties in certain environments associated with fentanyl-related controlled substances or when bodily harm to a child results; increasing penalties for unlawful distribution of controlled substances with respect to material containing any quantity of fentanyl-related controlled substance Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted; Signed;
Related bills:
H Sub for SB 419, H Sub for SB 420, HB 2601, Sub for HB 2676
H Sub for SB 419 Providing immunity from prosecution for certain drug crimes when persons seek or provide medical assistance related to the use of a controlled substance Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill CCR adopted; Signed;
Related Bills: SB 414, HB 2487
HB 2487 Providing immunity from prosecution for certain drug crimes when persons seek or provide medical assistance related to the use of a controlled substance Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended Passed Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: H Sub for SB 419
HB 2547 Authorizing schools to maintain a stock supply of emergency medication kits for certain life-threatening conditions; requiring a prescription for distribution of emergency medication to schools; providing requirements for the administration of emergency medication by school personnel; exempting certain persons from the practice of healing arts and civil liability if acting in good faith; adding and removing certain substances in schedules I, II, IV and V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted;
Signed; Related bill: HB 2596
HB 2596 Adding and removing certain substances in schedules I, II, IV and V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act; making conforming changes to the criminal code definition of fentanyl-related controlled substances Passed Passed Passed, as amended Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: HB 2547
HB 2601 Requiring certain persons on a third or subsequent conviction related to driving under the influence to participate in a multidisciplinary model of services for substance use disorders Passed Passed Passed Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: SB 414
HB 2613 Creating the statewide drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.) program educator position; establishing the drug abuse resistance education fund Passed Passed, as amended Hearing, no vote

Gender Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 26 Creating a civil cause of action against a physician who performs childhood gender reassignment service (defined as acts for the purpose of attempting to affirm the child's perception of the child's sex or gender, if that perception is inconsistent with the child's sex); requiring revocation of a physician's license if such physician performs such service Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Second CCR adopted;
Veto sustained;
Related bill:
H Sub for SB 233
H Sub for SB 233 Enacting the Forbidding Abusive Child Transitions Act; prohibiting health care providers from treating a child whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex; authorizing a civil cause of action against health care providers for providing such treatments; restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning; prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for health care providers that provide gender transition treatment to children; requiring professional discipline against a health care provider who performs such treatment; adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians Passed Passed Passed substitute bill, as amended Passed substitute bill, as amended CCR adopted;
Veto sustained;
Related bills:
SB 26, HB 2263, HB 2791
HB 2263 Creating a civil cause of action against a physician who performs childhood gender reassignment service (defined as acts performed for the purpose of attempting to affirm the child's perception of the child's sex or gender, if that perception is inconsistent with the child's sex); requiring revocation of a physician's license if such physician performs such service; authorizing pharmacy technicians to administer certain vaccines Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Ruled materially changed and died in House Committee;
Related bill:
H Sub for SB 233
HB 2791 Enacting the Forbidding Abusive Child Transitions Act Hearing, no vote Related bill:
H Sub for SB 233
HB 2792 Prohibiting gender transition surgeries (defined as a surgical procedure performed for the purpose of assisting an individual with a gender transition) on minors; authorizing professional discipline against a physician who performs such surgeries; adopting a standard of care for gender transition care services Hearing, no vote

Health-Related Sales Tax Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
H Sub for SB 300 Modifying tax rates for individuals; reducing the state rate of tax on sales of food and food ingredients to 0 percent on July 1, 2024; modifying the percent credited to the state highway fund from revenue collected Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill, as amended Ruled materially changed;
Died in Senate Committee
Sub for SB 377 Providing an income tax rate of 5.25 percent for individuals; establishing a 0 percent state rate for sales and use taxes for food and food ingredients on April 1, 2024 Passed substitute bill Withdrawn from Calendar Related bill:
HB 2284
SB 435 Providing a sales tax exemption for period products, diapers and incontinence products Passed Died on Calendar
SB 539 Increasing the Kansas standard deduction and Kansas personal exemption; reducing the state rate of tax on sales of food and food ingredients; modifying the percent credited to the state highway fund from revenue collected Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended No hearing
S Sub for HB 2036 Restructuring individual income tax brackets and rates to provide for a two-bracket system; accelerating the elimination of the state sales and compensating use tax rate on food and food ingredients and the associated disposition of revenue changes Passed Passed, as amended Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill CCR adopted;
Veto sustained;
Related bills: SB 539, H Sub for SB 300
HB 2284 Replacing individual income tax brackets with a single rate of 5.25 percent; accelerating the elimination of state sales and compensating use tax on food and food ingredients and the associated disposition of revenue changes Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted;
Veto sustained

Insurance Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
HB 2325 Adding maternity center to the definition of "healthcare provider" contained in the Healthcare Provider Insurance Availability Act; designating certain health care providers as being ineligible to purchase professional liability insurance from the Healthcare Stabilization Fund; requiring such health care providers to maintain continuous professional liability coverage equivalent to that provided by the Healthcare Stabilization Fund as a condition of licensure Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended House concurred with amendments;
Veto sustained;
Related bill:
H Sub for SB 219;
HB 2478 Adding "maternity center" to the definition of "healthcare provider" for purposes of the Healthcare Provider Insurance Availability Act Passed Stricken from Calendar
HB 2787 Including health maintenance organizations as member insurers of the Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act; broadening the assessment base for long-term care insolvencies Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted;
Related bill: HB 2810
HB 2810 Including health maintenance organizations as member insurers in the Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association; broadening the assessment base for long-term care insolvencies Passed Passed No hearing Related bill:
HB 2787
HB 2834 Transferring officers, employees, powers, duties and functions relating to the State Employee Health Benefits Plan of the Dept. of Administration to the Insurance Department; establishing the Commissioner of Insurance as the chairperson of the Kansas State Employees Health Care Commission Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended No hearing

Licensing/Scope of Practice Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 103 Requiring that treating dentist information be given to patients upon request; prohibiting agreements that limit a patient's ability to file complaints; eliminating the minimum personal presence requirements of licensee in dental office using licensee's name Passed Died on Calendar
H Sub for SB 219 Expanding eligibility for rural emergency hospital license to facilities that meet criteria between January 2015 and December 2020 Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Died on House Calendar Related bills: H Sub for SB 287, HB 2325, HB 2637
H Sub for SB 287 Prohibiting a health care provider from administering any drug or diagnostic test or conducting behavioral health treatment to a minor in a school facility without parental consent; enacting the No Patient Left Alone Act; expanding licensure of rural emergency hospitals that meet criteria between January 2015 and December 2020; authorizing emergency medical responders to distribute non-prescription over-the-counter medications as approved by the service medical director Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill, as amended CCR adopted; Signed; Related bills: H Sub for SB 219, H Sub for SB 352, HB 2579, HB 2793
SB 404 Permitting health care providers to use expedited partner therapy to treat a sexually transmitted disease Hearing, no vote Related bill: HB 2750
SB 433 Clarifying practice privileges of institutional license holders who are employed by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) or KDOC, or by a third party contracted by the institution Passed Passed Passed Passed Signed
HB 2453 Enacting the dentist and dental hygienist compact to provide interstate practice privileges for dentists and dental hygienists Passed Passed Passed Passed Signed
HB 2484 Enacting the social work licensure compact to provide interstate practice privileges for social workers; authorizing the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board (BSRB) to establish a fee for a license with compact practice privileges Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed Passed Signed
HB 2578 Providing that prior to July 1, 2027, KDADS shall certify as a certified community behavioral health clinic only community mental health centers that meet certain criteria as set forth in the bill; providing that programs and treatments provided by a certified community behavioral health clinic be granted a renewal certification if such programs and treatments have been previously certified or accredited Passed Passed, as amended Passed Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: HB 2784
HB 2579 Authorizing emergency medical responders to distribute non-prescription over-the counter medications Passed Passed Passed Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: H Sub for SB 287
HB 2637 Expanding the eligibility for rural emergency hospital licensure to facilities that meet criteria at any point after 2015 Passed Failed on Final Action Related bills: H Sub for SB 219
HB 2745 Providing that military spouses of active military service members shall be exempted from all occupational licensing, certification and registration fees Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed Passed Signed
HB 2750 Permitting the use of expedited partner therapy for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by health care providers Passed, as amended Stricken from Calendar Related bill: SB 404
HB 2751 Authorizing KDADS to condition or restrict licenses of providers of disability services; granting KDADS authority to grant regulation waivers unrelated to health and safety; adding definition of day service provider Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: HB 2784
HB 2784 Prohibiting the state fire marshal and the marshal's representatives from wearing or operating a body camera during an on-site inspection at a licensed care facility; authorizing KDADS to condition or restrict a license of a provider of disability services; granting KDADS authority to grant regulation waivers unrelated to health and safety; adding a definition for a day service provider; providing for certification of CCBHCs; permitting certification renewal of programs and treatments that have previously been certified or accredited Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted; Signed; Related bills: HB 2578, HB 2751, HB 2777
HB 2793 Prohibiting a health care provider from performing a health care service on a minor patient without parental consent Hearing, no vote Related bill: H Sub for SB 287

Medicaid Expansion Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 355 Expanding medical assistance eligibility and enacting the Cutting Healthcare Costs for All Kansans Act No hearing Related bill: HB 2556
HB 2556 Expanding medical assistance eligibility and enacting the Cutting Healthcare Costs for all Kansans Act Hearing, no vote Related bill: SB 355

Medical Cannabis Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 555 Creating the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act; authorizing KDHE to enter into contracts for the limited cultivation, processing and distribution of medical cannabis for patient use upon a physician's recommendation Hearing, no vote
SB 558 Creating the Kansas Medical Cannabis Act to authorize the cultivation, processing, distribution, sale and use of medical cannabis and medical cannabis products; creating the Kansas Cannabidiol Regulation Act to regulate the testing and retail sale of cannabidiol products No hearing

Pregnancy/Maternal Health Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 8 Increasing the tax credit amount for adoption expenses and making the credit refundable; establishing a tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted; Veto sustained; Related bill: HB 2465
H Sub for Sub for SB 232 Providing for child support for unborn children from the date of conception Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill, as amended Conference Committee Report (CCR) adopted;
Related bills:
S Sub for HB 2070, HB 2299, HB 2653
SB 425 Providing for child support orders for unborn children from the date of conception Hearing, no vote
SB 489 Directing KDOC to establish a correctional center nursery for incarcerated expectant mothers Hearing, no vote Related bill: HB 2811
SB 498 Establishing a tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities; increasing tax credit for adoption expenses; providing for a sales tax exemption for purchases by pregnancy resource centers and residential maternity facilities Passed, as amended Passed, as amended No hearing Related bill: HB 2465
HB 2135 Establishing a tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities Passed Died on Calendar
HB 2465 Enacting the Adoption Savings Account Act; allowing individuals to establish adoption savings accounts with certain financial institutions; increasing the income tax credit amount for adoption expenses; establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities; providing for a sales tax exemption for purchases by pregnancy resource centers and residential maternity facilities Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended CCR adopted; Veto overridden; Related bills: SB 8, SB 498, HB 2757
HB 2653 Providing for child support orders for unborn children from the date of conception Passed Passed No hearing Related bill:
H Sub for Sub for SB 232
HB 2809 Creating the Every Mom Matters Act; establishing the Every Mom Matters program in KDHE; requiring the State Treasurer to contract with eligible organizations to provide information and support services to pregnant women and parents considering adoption Hearing, no vote
HB 2811 Directing KDOC to establish a correctional center nursery Hearing, no vote Related bill: SB 489

Suicide-Related Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
S Sub for HB 2144 Creating the crime of encouraging suicide; providing penalties for violation thereof Passed Passed Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill, as amended Signed; Related bills: Sub for HB 2676
HB 2488 Providing criminal penalties for intentionally advising or encouraging another person to commit or attempt to commit suicide Hearing, no vote
Sub for HB 2676 Creating the crime of encouraging suicide and providing penalties therefor Passed substitute bill Passed substitute bill No hearing Related bills: S Sub for HB 2144

Welfare Reform Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 488 Expanding the power of the inspector general to investigate and audit all state cash, food and health assistance programs Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended No hearing
SB 542 Creating a grant program to fund proposed homeless shelter infrastructure; establishing requirements for such grants to be awarded; requiring cities and counties to adopt ordinances and resolutions regarding camping and vagrancy Passed, as amended Died on Calendar
HB 2627 Reorganizing subsections within the public assistance statute pertaining to eligibility requirements Passed Died on Calendar
HB 2668 Requiring job search instead of a 20-hour work week for child care subsidy eligibility; allowing food assistance funds for advertising food assistance programs; modifying penalties for non-cooperation for all assistance programs No hearing
HB 2673 Directing DCF to request a waiver from the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) that would allow the state to prohibit the purchase of candy and soft drinks with food assistance Passed, as amended Stricken from Calendar
HB 2723 Creating a grant program to fund proposed homeless shelter infrastructure; establishing requirements for such grants awarded Hearing, no vote Related bill: SB 542

Other Bills

Bill Bill Summary Originating Committee Originating Chamber Vote Opposite Committee Opposite Chamber Vote Governor/
Other Action
SB 19 Requiring school districts to establish requirements for cardiac emergency response plans based on the statewide standards developed by KDHE; establishing the school cardiac emergency response grant fund Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended CCR adopted; Signed: Related bills: Sub for HB 2494
SB 142 Prohibiting the use of a mobile telephone while operating a vehicle in a school zone or a road construction zone or by individuals under 18 years of age Passed Passed Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Died in Conference; Related bills: HB 2499
H Sub for SB 352 Enacting the No Patient Left Alone Act; requiring hospitals, adult care homes and hospice facilities to allow in-person visitation in certain circumstances Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended Passed substitute bill Stricken from Calendar Related bill: SB 287
SB 381 Authorizing the board of county commissioners of any county that is not the most populous county in a multiple-county judicial district to appoint a coroner to serve as the district coroner for the county Passed Passed Passed Passed Signed
SB 384 Authorizing the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Board to grant certain permanent variances from rules and regulations; permitting ambulances to operate with one certified EMS provider in rural counties Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed Passed, as amended CCR adopted; Signed
SB 391 Enacting the Constitutional Right to Health Freedom Act; revoking the authority of KDHE to order individuals to isolate or quarantine and impose penalties for violations thereof Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended No hearing
HB 2358 Modifying provisions of the Uniform Vital Statistics Act concerning "cause of death certifiers" who can certify an individual's cause of death Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended Signed
HB 2446 Prohibiting municipalities from regulating plastic and other containers designed for the consumption, transportation or protection of merchandise, food or beverages Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Passed Passed Veto sustained
Sub for HB 2494 Establishing requirements for cardiac emergency response plans for school districts; creating the school cardiac emergency response grant fund Substitute bill passed Substitute bill passed, as amended Hearing, no vote Related bill: SB 19
HB 2499 Prohibiting the use of a mobile telephone while operating a vehicle in a school or road construction zone or by individuals under 18 years of age Passed Passed Passed, as amended Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: SB 142
HB 2622 Amending the Kansas indoor clean air act to prohibit smoking on the gaming floor of a lottery gaming facility or racetrack gaming facility Hearing, no vote
HB 2667 Increasing transfers from the lottery operating fund to the community crisis stabilization centers fund and the clubhouse model program fund of KDADS Passed, as amended Died on Calendar
HB 2669 Codifying the mental health intervention team program; requiring KDADS to oversee implementation of the program; establishing structures for partnership between mental health intervention team providers and school districts; providing for coordination of mental health services to students Passed, as amended Passed, as amended Hearing, no vote
HB 2757 Enacting the Adoption Savings Account Act; allowing individuals to establish adoption savings accounts with certain financial institutions Passed, as amended Passed, as amended No hearing Related bill: 2465
HB 2777 Prohibiting the state fire marshal and marshal's representatives from wearing or operating a body camera during an on-site inspection at a licensed care facility; creating an exception for certain photographic evidentiary images Passed, as amended Passed, as further amended Passed, as amended Died on Senate Calendar Related bill: HB 2784
HB 2801 Requiring manufacturers of e-cigarettes to submit certifications regarding the status of products to the director of the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) of the Kansas Department of Revenue (DOR) Hearing, no vote
HB 2825 Requiring hospitals to provide online pricing information for certain items and services; enacting the Consumer Protection Related to Hospital Price Transparency Act Passed Died on Calendar

About Kansas Health Institute

The Kansas Health Institute supports effective policymaking through nonpartisan research, education and engagement. KHI believes evidence-based information, objective analysis and civil dialogue enable policy leaders to be champions for a healthier Kansas. Established in 1995 with a multiyear grant from the Kansas Health Foundation, KHI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization based in Topeka.

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