Marquette University

09/19/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2024 10:48

Taking student success to the next level

The Lemonis Center for Student Success is officially open ready to help students achieve their academic best. The center, located in the former Memorial Library, serves as a central hub for academic and non-academic resources.It also facilitates access to a campuswide network of support for students of all backgrounds and majors.

The center houses the Career Center and the Academic Resource Center for easy access to essential services such as academic coaching, tutoring, guidance choosing a major or exploring career paths, and career-related experiences.

Marilyn Jones, director of the Lemonis Center, says the hub is a one-stop shop, providing engaging programming and activities, open study areas, a commuter lounge, and technology-enhanced reservable rooms, making it easy to learn, socialize and collaborate.

By the numbers

  • 4 "phone booths" - soundproof pods for privacy to take a phone call or jump on a virtual meeting
  • 9 added remote job interview spaces serving the Career Center
  • 14 added tutoring spaces
  • 24 added offices for staff

The Lemonis Center for Student Success provides seven anchor programs and key initiatives:

Ask Me Desk

The Ask Me Desk is the heart of the Lemonis Center and serves as a first point of contact when students are not sure who to ask or where to get guidance during their journey at Marquette. Staffed entirely by highly trained student leaders, the Ask Me Desk is also a great resource for peers, faculty, staff and others interested in learning more about academic services, events, and other engagement and mentorship opportunities across campus that support student formation.

Career formation

The Career Center staff supports everyone across campus who makes career education a priority for Marquette students. Students who engage in their career development from their first year through graduation are better able to take all the steps needed to make intentional career decisions.

Career formation involves a student getting to know themselves better through:

  • Exploring interests, skills, and values through coursework and activities
  • Engaging in shadowing, volunteering, part-time jobs and internships to understand the world of work around them
  • Reflecting on these experiences to synthesize information about themselves and the world to choose a meaningful next step after graduation


The tutoring program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association, a professional organization composed of learning centers at colleges and universities across the nation. Certification ensures professional standards, skills and training for tutors. It also provides recognition and positive reinforcement for tutors' successful work. Tutoring is a free service available to all Marquette students.

Academic coaching

Academic coaching is a free one-on-one service provided by the Academic Resource Center to any Marquette student who wishes to improve academically. The ARC focuses on time management, studying effectively, stress management and overall balance. Coaching normally takes place over three weeks to measure the students' progress and address any issues they may be facing with their skills development. Students can sign up online.

Experiential learning

The Lemonis Center, in collaboration with other campus partners, understands that hands-on experiences and reflection strengthen knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Opportunities such as internships, community service, service learning, study abroad, capstone and research projects help students gain insight into their life's purpose, develop self-confidence and leadership skills, and also broaden their views of the world and appreciation for community.

Inclusion and belonging outpost

The Lemonis Center houses a DEI Lounge and outpost for Office of Inclusion and Belonging and Office of Inclusion and Belonging with the clear goal of promoting educational equity and a commitment to fostering a diverse, welcoming and inclusive environment. This intentional collaboration with spaces staffed by OIDI/OIB staff helps nurture a space of trust and respect that affirms the diverse identities of students, faculty and staff.


The center embraces a holistic approach to student success that is infused by our Catholic, Jesuit mission, especially the Jesuit principle of cura personalis, or "care for the whole person." The Lemonis Center, in collaboration with other campus partners, provides programming and support for the whole person in partnership with services across campus. The goal is to raise awareness about resources and normalize seeking help.