S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats

10/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/21/2024 09:10

S&Ds urge the new Commission to ensure a more social EU Single Market that protects workers’ and consumers’ rights

Today, the members of the European Parliament are debating the former Italian head of government, Enrico Letta's report on the future of the EU Single Market: 'Much More Than a Market'. The Socialists and Democrats welcome the report and firmly believe that only a stronger and more social Single Market can improve citizens' lives if it ensures a high-level protection of workers and consumers through safety and quality for products, promotes high social standards, workers' rights, and a sustainable economy.

During the past mandate, the Socialists and Democrats have greatly contributed to a more social EU Single Market that protects workers' and consumers' rights. Throughout the past legislative term, the S&D Group delivered pioneering EU laws that protect citizens against disinformation, ensure adequate minimum wages and shield platform workers' rights. The progressive family also delivered ground-breaking EU legislation on Artificial intelligence - that takes fundamental rights into account - and the first legislation that bans products made with forced labour. Yet, there is still a lot to do in this respect.

We urge the European Commission into action to reinforce one of the EU's greatest achievements.

Gabriele Bischoff, S&D vice-president for sustainable economy and social Europe and the single market, said:

"Following on from Jacques Delors' vision of the Single Market 35 years ago, Enrico Letta's report reminds us that the European Union is much more than just an internal market - it is a community built on shared values. Over the years, the Single Market has not only been a driver of economic growth but also a catalyst for social progress, lifting living standards across the continent. It has demonstrated that economic development and social justice are not opposing forces but complementary pillars of a fair and prosperous society.

"Any development of the Single Market must include a genuine social dimension, one that guarantees social justice and cohesion for all Europeans. We must ensure fair opportunities, protect workers' rights, reduce inequality, and promote solidarity and well-being for all, in line with the values of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The success of the Single Market has always been rooted in its dual focus - not only fostering competitiveness and growth but also improving the living standards of Europeans. A strong social dimension within the Single Market is not optional, it is vital."

Laura Ballarin, S&D MEP and coordinator on the committee on internal market and consumer protection, said:

"The Single Market is in our citizens' daily lives. It brings them more choices in terms of goods and services, but it must be also a tool to enhance their well-being and protection within a rapid digital transformation, leading in many cases to digital addictions. It is a fact that many online services, such as social media, streaming sites and online marketplaces, are designed to keep us hooked on scrolling. This is having an impact on people's mental health, in particular among children and young people, causing behaviour-related risks and harm. This must be a priority for the new Commission.

"The protection of consumers also means the protection of their 'right to stay' and thrive where they live. Although online platforms have greatly boosted tourism and brought economic development, they have also led to the so-called 'Airbnbisation' of European cities, negatively affecting the housing affordability and liveability. This problem affects workers and families struggling with an out-of-control real estate market. Housing is a priority for the Socialists and Democrats and we will keep pushing for setting clear rules on short-term accommodation rentals within the new mandate to regulate a sector that continues to boom."