AGC - Associated General Contractors of America

09/20/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 11:39

Chapter Highlight: Master Builders Association of Western Pennsylvania (MBA) and Constructors Association of Western Pa. (CAWP) Launched YinzGood? as a Free Mental Health[...]

September is National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Month. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the suicide rate in the construction industry is about four times higher than the general population, and the second highest rate of all workplace industries.

Yet, the stigma around battling these issues, and fear of losing one's job, is a strong barrier to seeking help among those who need it most. Workers moving from site to site may lack a support network. Ensuring privacy, and easy-to-access information and guidance is critical to motivating workers to seek help. In addition, financial constraints can be a barrier to getting help.

Other spiraling issues, such as alcohol and opioid addiction, affect not only those struggling with addiction, but also their families and the safety of everyone on a construction site. In fact, according to American Addiction Centers, employees of the construction industry have nearly twice the rate of substance abuse as the national average. Around 15% of all construction workers in the United States have a substance abuse disorder compared to 8.6% of the general population of adults, according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration.

MBA and CAWP Respond

During the AGCA conference in Las Vegas in March 2023, representatives from Master Builders' Association of Western, Pa. (MBA), and the Constructors Association of Western Pa. (CAWP), joined forces to jumpstart the conversation about mental health in our industry. The result: the creation of YinzGood?, a mental health awareness campaign that offers resources to their members and others in the industry.

Yinz Good? launched in July 2023, with a digital library of free mental health resources for construction workers, employers, family members and concerned co-workers available at The campaign also has a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

According to Bob McCall, director of safety at MBA, "we knew resources had to be free, easy-to-access, privately accessible, and give clear direction and where to get help in a crisis. We wanted YinzGood? to work together with company EAP and MEP programs - not replace them.

We also learned peer-to-peer interaction works best. Showing you care can be as simple as asking one question: "Are you okay?" MBA and CAWP took that idea, put a Western Pa. spin on it, and came up with YinzGood?, a phrase construction crews in our region would feel comfortable using to open a conversation. (YinzGood? is Pittsburgh-ese for you all.)"

CAWP received a $50,000 grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which the partners leveraged for the campaign. The grant money was used to create the communications elements of YinzGood? and for the information and resources provided by mental health expert, YouTurn Health. In addition, both MBA and CAWP contributed financial support to the project.

PR/Marketing tactics include: (a one-stop-website for all the campaign's information), social media posts, weekly Mental Health Monday emails, digital and print advertising, branded brochures, giveaways, informational videos, and a "tool kit" that can be accessed on the YinzGood? website.

Since its launch in July 2023 on social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram), the campaign's social channels have steadily experienced organic growth with an initial 30.8% increase in reach, and 14.6% increase in content interactions through on Facebook in the first five months. In that same time, MBA fulfilled requests from members for nearly 6,200 YinzGood? branded products. MBA continues to monitor results through 2024 to inform planning for 2025.

Mental Health Monday weekly emails featuring YinzGood? information sent to contractor members, associate members, and other stakeholders experienced an above-average open of over 30% across the board. Moving Forward:

Mental health and suicide prevention will be an even bigger priority in 2025, and YinzGood? Phase 2 will be a focus for MBA and CAWP in the future. For more information, reach out to Mary Chuderewicz at [email protected].