Quark Distribution Inc.

07/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/05/2024 02:05

Attention Tech Comms Community: You Can Simplify Content Compliance Processes

I was very fortunate to recently join my colleague, Richard Worrell, Senior Product Manager at Quark, and participate in a recent Inside Tech Comm with Zohra Mutabanna podcast where we discussed all things enterprise content compliance and regulation. When talking about highly regulated content, we're talking about content that must be structured, built, edited and submitted in a very specific way and for very specific regulation purposes. This is particularly important for organizations operating within government entities, life sciences, financial services and pharmaceutical industries.

For background, Quark Publishing Platform (QPP) NextGen gives organizations the software tools to support each stage of the content journey - from creation to publishing - and everything in between. Deployed as a componentized content management system (CCMS), QPP NextGen helps content teams' ability to work smarter together and deliver content that influences audiences and helps your business understand if content strategies are supporting organizational goals.

This really enjoyable podcast discussion allowed us to touch on every opportunity your business can benefit from deploying CCMS and the value of QPP NextGen. With a listening audience of tech comms communities, we were able to drill down into how to address stringent content regulatory and compliance challenges and opened up the conversation with a use case example pharma companies know too well: how to get a new drug to market.

Rich and I spend lots of time talking to organizations that operate in highly regulated industries who must ensure content that's updated regularly and published regionally adheres to regulatory guidelines. We're able to articulate how QPP NextGen addresses this content compliance challenge by helping content teams convert unstructured data into structured, reusable components. Teams can easily search and use compliance -controlled content components fast. It's about improving efficiencies that help the authors and writers move faster and with more accuracy, not replacing them.

And according to a recent IDC global survey sponsored by Quark, one of the top drivers of a CCMS deployment is so organizations have consistent, reusable, quality content. With technical documentation noted as one of the top drivers of CCMS demand, it can ensure adherence to regulations and protect the business without compromising on content delivery timelines, scale and relevance. That same survey showed that organizations that have deployed a CCMS, powered by content automation, cited improved workflows and better compliance management as the top 2 benefits.

It was exciting to drill down and explain how QPP NextGen can help organizations in highly regulated industries simplify their content processes, ensure content published is fully compliant, can be published at global scale, in different languages and adhere to regional submissions 'types' regardless of different teams working on different content types.

We also delved deeper into the security aspect. When writing confidential or highly regulated content, QPP NextGen makes it simple to restrict content access as a particular stage of the workflow may be highly confidential. When creating and collaborating on content, security parameters can be put in place so only the right people see the right content at the right time.

Quark is also an enabler of automation, so whether that's discovering content that already exists, unstructured format, and finding content that's ripe for reuse, we've embedded AI to assist and accelerate this process. Listen to the full podcast and learn how Quark can help you transform your content processes.