Mike Johnson

10/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/26/2024 16:44

What They Are Saying: Conservatives Rally Behind Speaker Johnson on One-Year Anniversary of Speakership

WASHINGTON - On the one-year anniversary of being unanimously elected by his Republican colleagues as Speaker of the House, conservatives are rallying behind Speaker Johnson. Here's what they are saying:

"Speaker Johnson stands ready to work with President Donald Trump to secure the border, tear up the administrative state, lower taxes, cut spending, and protect traditional American values. He's a man who's answered the call of leadership in the face of the toughest circumstances but has proven himself to be an original lawmaker and faithful patriot." - Newt Gingrich

"Congrats to Speaker Johnson on a year of strong, principled leadership! He's been unwavering in championing conservative values, from securing our borders to promoting limited government & American energy independence. Excited about his continued efforts fighting for our country!" - David McIntosh, President, Club for Growth

"Congratulations to Speaker Johnson on his one-year anniversary as Speaker of the House. 'More and better' is my advice always!" - Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch

"There's a reason Speaker Johnson Is one of our MRC Free Speech Award winners for 2024. He's worked tirelessly to defund the federal censorship regime. There's a reason CBS is editing Mike's interviews. They know his vision is connecting with the American people. There are many reasons why Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House. Thank you for creating stability. Congratulations on one year as Speaker!" - Brent Bozell, Founder and President, Media Research Center

"Hey Speaker Johnson… it's unfortunate that on the one year anniversary weekend of being selected to lead the US House of Representatives, your LSU Tigers ARE GOING DOWN tomorrow night in Aggieland. But seriously, so proud of your leadership, your friendship, and your true servant's heart. I will treasure our Navy Mess breakfasts forever. Let's go save a country!" - Brooke Rollins, Founder and CEO, America First Policy Institute

"To my friend Speaker Johnson - from all of us Heritage and Heritage Action, happy one-year anniversary as Speaker, and thank you for your leadership, your good cheer, your witness, and your heroic efforts for the nation." - Kevin Roberts, President, The Heritage Foundation

"A year ago today, Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House. I congratulate Speaker Johnson for leading the Congress in one of the most tumultuous times in U.S. history. We are grateful for his focused eye and steady hand of leadership. Mike has led with grace and humility, knowing that not everyone would understand. That is servant leadership." - Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council

"A year ago today, Speaker Johnson was elected Speaker. He has demonstrated true moral clarity and leadership in the year since, leading the way in advancing effective American leadership on the world stage. We're lucky to have him as Speaker, and I'm excited to see what he'll be able to accomplish once we take back the Senate and White House this November!" - Mike Pompeo

"Congratulations to Speaker Johnson for his first year in the role! It has been a challenging year and time for the conference, and we are lucky to have had him at the helm." - Ryan Walker, Executive Vice President, Heritage Action

"It's been a tumultuous yet impactful year. The GOP House is ready to grow its majority and assist President Trump in large part to the leadership of Speaker Johnson. Congrats on your anniversary. You even added Cash to the Capitol!" - Matt Schlapp, Chair, American Conservative Union and Conservative Political Action Conference

"Congrats Speaker Johnson on your one year anniversary. Thank you to you and your family for selflessly serving our nation. You were born for "such a time as this." Also, every Tue morning our office prays for you and our nation." - Penny Nance, CEO, Concerned Women for America

"A year ago, the House voted to give Speaker Johnson the gavel. He's a man of faith and fights for what's best for America and our great state. Louisiana is deeply grateful for his leadership!" - Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry

"One year ago, the House voted to give Speaker Johnson the gavel. He's a man of faith who's been a terrific conservative leader. I'm grateful for his leadership!" - Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt

"Flashback Friday: One year ago today, the House voted to elect Speaker Johnson. During the election, I circulated a Unity Pledge to bring our party together in the Speaker's race. Since taking office, Speaker Johnson has united the House GOP around our conservative principles." - Representative Mike Flood (R-NE)

"As Newt Gingrich said, Speaker Johnson is a bold, principled, thoughtful leader and legislator. He is a strong leader for House GOP." - Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC)

"Over the past year, Speaker Johnson has been a strong and steadfast leader for House GOP and all of Congress. I am immensely proud to serve alongside him and I thank him for his hard work and dedication." -Representative Pat Fallon (R-TX)

"Happy one year, Speaker Johnson. It was an honor to host you in the Permian Basin. Thank you for your commitment to American energy dominance!" - Representative August Pfluger (R-TX)

"Mike Johnson is a man of faith and integrity. He is a strong leader and exactly what the House GOP needs. I'm proud to call him my friend, and I'm proud to work alongside him. Congrats to Speaker Johnson on one year of leadership!" - Representative Dale Strong (R-AL)

"Congratulations to my friend and colleague Speaker Johnson on the one-year anniversary of his election as Speaker of the House!" -Representative Ben Cline (R-VA)

"One year ago today, the House voted to give Speaker Johnson the gavel. Congratulations to my friend and life-long champion for life!" - Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

"Congratulations to Speaker Johnson on his one-year anniversary of being elected Speaker. Under his leadership, the U.S. House has defended the rights of gun owners and hunters and put the brakes on the far-left's attempts to pass radical gun control legislation. With Speaker Johnson and a pro-gun majority in the House, our Second Amendment freedoms will be protected!" - National Rifle Association

"Congratulations Speaker Johnson on the one-year anniversary of your Speakership. Your righteous leadership in the House has been inspiring for so many. Thank you for always standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jewish community." - Republican Jewish Coalition

"Today marks one year since Speaker Johnson took the gavel in the House of Representatives. We're fortunate to have a movement conservative as Speaker with a bold agenda for limited gov't in 2025. A good day to re-up his 7 Core Principles of Conservatism." - Akash Chougule, Vice President, Americans for Prosperity

"This week marks the one year anniversary of Speaker Johnson taking on the role of Speaker of the House. From day one, it was impressive that Speaker Johnson chose to lead with his well-defined conservative policy principles. We need more of that principled approach to governance in Washington and our 50 states. Thank you for your leadership, Mr. Speaker!" - Jonathan Williams, Chief Economist and Executive Vice President of Policy at the American Legislative Exchange Council

"Today marks one year since Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House. Thank you, Speaker Johnson, for your leadership and defense of every person's God-given right to live and speak the truth. ADF Legal is grateful for your service to the American people."- Kristen Waggoner, President and CEO, Alliance Defending Freedom

"Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the US House of Representatives one year ago. He leads a united Republican party in the House opposed to any and all tax hikes and determined to extend the Trump Tax Cuts of 2017 permanently. Please remember to vote. Nov 5." - Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform

"One year ago, the House voted in Speaker Johnson. Speaker Johnson is man of faith and works tirelessly on behalf of all Americans, including (and especially) the most vulnerable Americans, the unborn- and their mothers. Thank you, Speaker Johnson." - Jeanne Mancini, President, March for Life

"Speaker Mike Johnson has been Speaker of the House for one year today. He is a good man, a solid conservative & a truly humble and gifted leader. I am honored to count him a friend." - Ralph Reed,Chairman, Faith and Freedom Coalition

"Today marks 1 year since Speaker Johnson took the gavel. Under his leadership, the House has advanced pro-growth tax legislation, supported energy independence and reined in runaway agencies like the IRS & FTC. We are confident that he will continue to support taxpayers as critical government funding, debt ceiling and tax reform battles loom in 2025." - Taxpayers Protection Alliance

"Happy one year anniversary to Speaker Johnson doing one of the most thankless jobs in Washington, D.C.--Speaker of a very thin-margin U.S. House of Representatives. To celebrate, here is Johnson's awesome speech on taxes to the NYSE this fall." - Ryan Ellis, President, Center for a Free Economy

"A year ago today Speaker Johnson was elected Speaker. He's a leader of the conservative movement and demonstrated time after time he will fight for stronger borders, limited government, and strength on the world stage. I'm excited for what he will do as he leads the House with a GOP Senate and White House next year." - Ken Blackwell

"Happy anniversary to the election of Speaker Johnson. We're grateful to have such a strong Conservative voice for families and preborn lives at the helm of the House! Thanks for all you do." - Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America

"Congratulations to Speaker Johnson on a year of championing pro-growth, pro-small business policies in the House of Representatives. We need his leadership in the term ahead to ensure the permanence of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act!" - Job Creators Network

"A year ago today Speaker Johnson was elected Speaker. He's a leader of the conservative movement and demonstrated time after time he will fight for stronger borders, limited government, and strength on the world stage. I'm excited for what he will do as he leads the House with a GOP Senate and White House next year." - Center for Urban Renewal and Education

"Happy one year "paper" anniversary Speaker Johnson! We look forward to working with you next year to extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to put more green paper in American wallets." - National Taxpayers Union

"A year ago today, Speaker Johnson was given the gavel by his colleagues. In the time since, he's been the principled conservative leader we've always known. We trust him to keep fighting for what's important, and look forward to the many victories his leadership will bring." - ACLJ Action

"A year ago today Speaker Johnson was elected Speaker. During his tenure, the House GOP has fought for strong borders and American energy independence, cut wasteful spending by Biden-Harris, and has a pro-growth tax plan to ensure Congress hits the ground running in January." - Paul Winfree, President and CEO, Economic Policy Innovation Center

"EPIC is proud to partner with Speaker Johnson as he leads the House GOP in preparations for a pro-growth reconciliation plan next year!" - Economic Policy Innovation Center

"One year ago, on October 25, 2023, the House of Representatives voted to give Mike Johnson the gavel. Here's my hot take: Johnson is easily the most conservative Speaker we've ever had. And he's doing a great job in a nearly impossible situation. Thank you, Speaker Johnson!" -Jon Schweppe, Policy Director, American Principles Project

"A year ago, the House voted to give Speaker Johnson a chance at the gavel. He's a man of faith, one that has listened to our calls for assistance to Israel, & has joined us in the fight against the growing antisemitism on college campuses. We are grateful for his leadership." -Christians United for Israel Action Fund

"A year ago today Speaker Johnson was elected Speaker. He's a leader of the conservative movement and demonstrated time after time he will fight for stronger borders, limited government, and strength on the world stage. We look forward to what he will do as he leads the House with a GOP Senate and White House next year!" - Association of Mature American Citizens

"Today, one year ago, Speaker Johnson was elected. He empowered some of the great guys like Rep. Loudermilk and as Speaker he's kept on fighting. Plus, he's helped President Trump. I am grateful for him and this year." - Ed Martin, President, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

"Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Speaker Mike Johnson's tenure as Speaker. I am eternally grateful to him for his strong leadership in the fight to stop noncitizen voting in our elections. Speaker Johnson: congratulations! I will be there with you next year to continue the fight to save our elections - and save our country. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to our country. God Bless You!" - Cleta Mitchell, Founder, Election Integrity Network

"This past year, Speaker Mike Johnson worked with GOA to slash ATF's budget, speed up NFA approval times, and stop the disarmament of 20k veterans per year. Congratulations on his one-year anniversary as Speaker Johnson!" - Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs, Gun Owners of America

"Happy anniversary, Mike! After one year of service, it is obvious that Speaker Johnson is the right man in the right place at the right time. Honest and sincere, he doesn't play games and truly desires to do what is best for our country." - Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life

"Congratulations to Speaker Johnson for a year of effective leadership - looking forward to seeing a continued focus on strengthening free enterprise and America's role in the world." - Robert Doar, President, American Enterprise Institute

"Congratulations to Speaker Johnson on his one-year anniversary of doing the impossible: leading the House of Representatives. We appreciate his consistent defense of religious liberty and look forward to a pro-life majority in the next Congress!" - Catholic Vote

"One year ago today, Speaker Johnson was elected Speaker-a historic moment for conservatives. He's led on critical issues like The SAVE Act and ensured the Tea Party movement has a seat at the table. He reveres the Constitution, as shown in his 7 core principles of conservatism and his early days as a young constitutional attorney speaking at a Tea Party rally in Shreveport, LA on July 4, 2009. Let's vote to put Donald Trump back in the White House, take back the Senate, and build a stronger conservative majority in the House so Mike Johnson has the votes to accomplish the things we care about - a secure border, a strong economy, and a constitutionally limited government!"- Tea Party Patriots

"Congratulations to Mike Johnson on his first year as Speaker!!! With a devoted Christian leader at the helm, we are blessed to see faith and conviction guiding our nation forward. His unwavering commitment to God, family, and country fuels our fight for the American Dream." - Ashley Hayek, Executive Director, America First Works

"On behalf of the more than one million members and supporters of CAGW, thank you Speaker Johnson for your leadership and perseverance in defending taxpayers in the past year." - Citizens Against Government Waste

"Congrats on One-Year of your Speakership!!" - Eagle Forum

"One year of dedicated leadership, Speaker Johnson." - AFP Louisiana

"Must say I've been incredibly impressed with Speaker Johnson's leadership this past year. Been a solid conservative leader. Also must commend him on building an excellent team who have done a great job strengthening partnerships and accomplishing a great deal. Let's keep it going!" - Nathan Leamer, Former Policy Advisor to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

"Congratulations to Mike Johnson who is celebrating one year as Speaker of the House!" - Gene Mills, President, Louisiana Family Forum

"You are a man of strength and faith. We mightily congratulate you on one year as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, third in line of succession to the President…Heavy is the Speaker's mace. You have carried it well. Please consider that our country needs the mace in your steady hand during this time of tumult. The party, the House, and the nation need your sense of humor and ability to calm roiled waters. Regardless of the election results, you are needed at the helm of the Party in the House; please take the steps necessary to stay there." - Daniel Perrin, President, HSA Coalition


Fox News: NEWT GINGRICH: House Speaker Mike Johnson deserves reelection

Washington Times: Mike Johnson marks full year as House speaker, drafts GOP playbook for next Congress

Just The News: Mike Johnson celebrates one full year as House Speaker with blueprint for next Congress

National Review: A Year Ago Last Night, Mike Johnson Won the Speaker's Gavel

WORLD Magazine: Happy anniversary, Mister Speaker