UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/18/2024 | News release | Archived content

UNESCO announces new appointments to Global Geoparks and International Geoscience Programme Councils

The United Nations relies on UNESCO's International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) for expertise in Earth sciences and geological heritage. This vital programme is supported by two main pillars: the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP), in collaboration with the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), and UNESCO Global Geoparks, in partnership with the Global Geoparks Network (GGN).

Overview of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Governance

According to the Statutes of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme(38 C/14, Annex I) and the Operational Guidelines for UNESCO Global Geoparks (38 C/14, Annex II), approved by the 38th General Conference:

  • The International Geoscience Programme Council shall consist of six ordinary members, appointed by mutual agreement by the Director-General of UNESCO and the President of the International Union of Geological Sciences.

  • The UNESCO Global Geoparks Council shall consist of 12 ordinary members appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO on the recommendation of the Global Geoparks Network and Member States.

  • Members of both Councils serve four-year terms, renewable once, with half the membership renewed every two years.

From 9 April to 15 May 2024, the Secretariat of the UNESCO Global Geoparks issued a call to renew members of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council and the International Geoscience Programme Council, informing UNESCO Member States, Observers, and IGGP partners.

Four new appointees to the International Geoscience Programme Council

The International Geoscience Programme Council is responsible for advising the Director-General of UNESCO and the President of IUGS on the strategy, planning, and implementation of the IGCP. Members of the IGCP Council are high-level experts actively engaged in scientific research related to Earth sciences, including Global Change, Geohazards, Hydrogeology, Earth Resources, and Geodynamics.

Twenty-one eligible candidates applied, including six women. Four applications were deemed invalid due to incompletion or failure to meet the requirements outlined in the Terms of Reference. In line with UNESCO's priority on gender equality and diverse geographical representation, while maintaining the highest qualifications among its members, UNESCO Director-General Ms. Audrey Azoulay has nominated the following scientists to the new IGCP Council, whose duties will commence in January 2025:

Name Country Theme
Ms Maideyi Lydia Meck Zimbabwe Hydrogeology
Mr Asrat Kassaye Ethipoia Global Change
Mr Khalid Al-Ramadan Saudi Arabia Geodynamics
Mr Murray Hitzman United States of America/Ireland Chairperson

UNESCO and IUGS extend their heartfelt thanks to the outgoing Council members: Mr. Jonathan Craig (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Ms. Hassina Mouri (South Africa), Mr. Mohamed Jalludin (Djibouti), and Mr. Sobhi Nasir (Jordan/Oman) for their exceptional contributions to the IGCP.

Appointment of six new members to the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council

The UNESCO Global Geoparks Council is the decision-making body for new UNESCO Global Geoparks applications and the revalidation of existing ones. The Council advises the Director-General on the strategic planning and implementation of the UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Following the call for nominations, fourteen candidates were proposed by Member States and the Global Geoparks Network, with ten meeting the eligibility criteria. After reviewing the candidates, UNESCO Director-General Ms. Audrey Azoulay has nominated the following experts to join the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council, starting in September 2024:

Name Country
Mr Ahmed El-Barkooky Egypt
Mr Jianping Zhang People's Republic of China
Ms Agness Gidna United Republic of Tanzania
Mr Allysson Pinheiro Brazil
Ms Kirstin Lemon United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mr José María Barrera Spain

UNESCO acknowledges with great thanks the efforts of the outgoing Council members Mr. Guy Martini (France), Ms. Marie-Luise Frey (Germany), Mr. Van Tran Van (Viet Nam), Ms. Helga Chulepin (Uruguay), Mr. Alexandru Andrassanu (Romania), and Ms. Gabriela Schneider (Namibia) for their significant contributions to the promotion and support of UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Summary of Councils compositions

Beginning in January 2025, the International Geoscience Programme Council will comprise the following members:

Name Country Term Theme
Mr Murray Hitzman United States of America/Ireland 2025 - 2028 Chairperson
Ms Gloria Prieto Rincón Colombia 2023 - 2026 Earth Resources
Ms Kim YoungHee Republic of Korea 2023 - 2026 Geohazards
Mr Asrat Kassaye Ethipoia 2025 - 2028 Global Change
Ms Maideyi Lydia Meck Zimbabwe 2025 - 2028 Hydrogeology
Mr Khalid Al-Ramadan Saudi Arabia 2025 - 2028 Geodynamics

The new UNESCO Global Geoparks Council will take effect in September 2024:

Name Country Term
Ms Kirstin Lemon United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2024 - 2028
Mr José María Barrera Spain 2024 - 2028
Ms Sarah Gamble Canada 2022 - 2026
Mr Babis Fassoulas Greece 2022 - 2026
Ms Martina Pásková Czechia 2022 - 2026
Mr Carles Canet Mexico 2022 - 2026
Mr Allysson Pinheiro Brazil 2024 - 2028
Mr Jianping Zhang People's Republic of China 2024 - 2028
Mr Setsuya Nakada Japan 2022 - 2026
Mr Alireza Amrikazemi Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2022 - 2026
Ms Agness Gidna United Republic of Tanzania 2024 - 2028
Mr Ahmed El-Barkooky Egypt 2024 - 2028