Department of the Taoiseach

10/06/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/06/2024 17:06

Statement by Taoiseach Simon Harris on the first anniversary of Hamas attacks in Israel

One year on, Hamas's indiscriminate terrorist attack on Israel and Israelis remains as horrific and shocking as when it took place. We cannot, and we will not, ever forget.

Neither can we ever tolerate a world in which civilians are systematically subjected to the most brutal violence in their homes, or in which vibrant and peaceful young people at a music festival are terrorised, murdered and abducted.

They are despicable and criminal acts, beyond any sense of humanity or decency.

I condemn them utterly and without hesitation.

On this most sorrowful day, my thoughts and sympathies are with the families and friends of all those who were brutally murdered and with all those who suffered and were injured.

They are especially with the families and friends of those who continue to be held hostage. They have endured an unimaginable nightmare.

I repeat my call that all remaining hostages must be released immediately and without conditions.

As Irish people, we especially remember Kim Danty, a young Irish-Israeli woman with a beautiful smile and her whole life ahead of her. We hold her memory in our hearts.

We extend our very best wishes to Emily Hand and her family, and hope that her recovery continues. No child should ever have to experience what she went through.

Those responsible for the acts of 7 October should be held accountable.

We think also of the enormous loss of life and deep suffering that has marked the past year.

Civilians' lives are of equal value. The suffering that comes from the loss of a loved one is the same, whoever we are.

I wish peace, security and hope for the people of Israel, of Palestine and of the Middle East.

We have a duty as leaders to honour the memory of those lost and to rededicate ourselves to creating a political process that can deliver a just and lasting peace.