Ted Cruz

09/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/21/2024 15:51

e-Newsletter: Week of September 20th

Good Evening,

This week, I was proud to attend the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony honoring Katherine Johnson, Dr. Christine Darden, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and all the women who quietly contributed to NASA's success during the Space Race. Their groundbreaking work as mathematicians, computers, and engineers helped take mankind to the moon, and their contribution to our country's success will never be forgotten.

In stark contrast, on the Senate floor this week, Democrats staged an empty show vote this week to stoke baseless fears, falsely claiming that Republicans oppose in vitro fertilization (IVF). Let me be clear: not a single Senator in this body, Republican or Democrat, wants a ban on IVF. I teamed up with Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) to introduce transparent legislation that would safeguard access to IVF services nationwide. American families praying to one day hold a child in their arms deserve access to this life-changing technology. Democrats once again put politics over policy and blocked our effort to pass this bill.

ICYMI:Democrats block Cruz attempt to pass GOP IVF bill

"The American people deserve straightforward pro-IVF legislation. That's why my colleague, Senator Britt, and I have introduced the IVF Protection Act, legislation that offers ironclad federal statutory protection for IVF. Our bill does not engage in backdoor politics. It does not infringe on the deeply held beliefs of individuals or organizations. It simply does what needs to be done, safeguarding the right of couples to grow their family if they choose to use IVF because this should not be a political issue - instead, it's a deeply human issue."

This week, I spoke out during a congressional hearing about the evil of antisemitism. My remarks were interrupted by protesters spewing antisemitic language. It was sadly the exact illustration of the points I was making about the surge of antisemitism we've seen following the October 7th terrorist attacks in Israel. College campuses have become vile incubators of antisemitic hatred, and instead of taking action, the Biden-Harris administration has stood idly by. The American people deserve better than this administration's failed leadership.

READ: Cruz: Hate 'manifesting right here' during hearing on campus antisemitism

"Antisemitism is a unique [and] historic form of evil. Over millennia, it has manifested in violence, mass murder, and genocide. … In the wake of October 7th, we have seen antisemitism explode across the United States and across the world, but especially on college campuses. … Throughout all of this, the Biden-Harris administration has been utterly absent [because] … when it comes to antisemitism the Democrats have a problem."

It's no surprise that this same failed leadership has extended beyond our borders, emboldening enemies and weakening allies. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's policy of appeasement has allowed adversaries like Iran, China, and Venezuela to grow stronger while our allies struggle. The ongoing war in Gaza stands as a stark reminder of these consequences. The American people deserve real leadership, not a continuation of this administration's dangerous missteps.

"The last four years under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, all of us know about the disasters domestically: on the economy and the southern border. I think they pale in comparison to the disasters of foreign policy and national security. Every enemy in America right now is stronger, and I think we're in greater jeopardy than we ever have been. And the problem is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Their approach to the enemies of America is what you just said, appeasement, appeasement, appeasement. … That's bad for America. … [It's] profoundly dangerous, and I think we need a foreign policy that takes our enemies seriously and that invests in defending this country."

Rest assured, I will always fight for Texas. God Bless!

Keep Texas Strong,


READ:Cruz: Biden Should Give Trump Full Protection Right Now, Kamala Harris Should Say She Doesn't Want Him Murdered

ICYMI:Democrats Block Cruz-Britt Effort to Pass Nationwide IVF Protection

READ:Cruz interrupted by anti-Israel agitator who yelled, 'F---ing Jews' during hearing on 'hate'

ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Introduces Legislation to Increase Pensions for Medal of Honor Veterans

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