Delegation of the European Union to Colombia

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 03:20

HRC57 Item 10: General Debate on Technical assistance and capacity building


57th session

Item 10

General Debate on Technical assistance and capacity-building

EU statement


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union.

The candidate countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania*and Republic of Moldova, the EFTA country Liechtenstein, member of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this statement.

The EU thanks the High Commissioner for the reports presented to the Council. Technical assistance and capacity building are essential components of the OHCHR's mandate. We commend the Office's unwavering commitment to assist States in their efforts to make progress towards the SDGs, and help building national resilience for long-term or 'upstream' prevention. We also appreciate the invaluable work of the OHCHR in assisting States to implement their human rights obligations and commitments, and call upon all States to cooperate with the Office, including by providing it with unrestricted access to monitor and report on human rights situations on the ground.

The EU welcomes Georgia's ongoing cooperation with the OHCHR and its commitment to engage with UN human rights mechanisms. At the same time, the EU is seriously concerned about developments in Georgia, particularly in view of the adoption of the law on the transparency of foreign influence and the legislative package related to the so called "protection of family values and minors". We remind Georgia of its obligations under the ECHR and other international human rights conventions, including with respect to the rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression and the full enjoyment of human rights by LGBTI persons. We encourage Georgia to continue working with the OHCHR to promote respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights, without discrimination of any kind. We urge the government of Georgia to ensure that the upcoming parliamentary elections are free and fair. The EU reiterate its strong support for Georgia's territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We continue to be seriously concerned about the deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situation in the occupied breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The EU regrets the continued lack of access of the OHCHR and UN human rights mechanisms to Abkhazia and South Ossetia and urges access to be granted without further delay.

On Yemen, the EU reiterates its concern about reports that highlight the numerous and serious human rights violations and abuses in the country, including against women and girls. We condemn the arbitrary detentions by the Houthis of UN personnel and staff working for international and national non-governmental organisations, and diplomatic missions in Yemen and renew the call for their immediate and unconditional release. The EU calls for an unhindered access of humanitarian supplies and personnel, including female aid workers, without any discrimination to all persons in need, notably in Houthi-controlled territory. The EU continues to support capacity-building of the National Commission of Inquiry, but believes that the current mandate is not sufficient and that this Council should be mandated to discuss the situation on the ground on the basis of an independent report by the Office. We are disappointed that this is currently not the case.

The EU acknowledgeswith appreciationthe constructive engagement by the Philippineson human rights, including with the international community. Following the end of the UN Joint Programme in July 2024, the EU strongly encourages the Government of the Philippines to continue working towards completing all of its objectives and consolidate the achievements, ensuring a leading role for the Philippines Commission on Human Rights and close participation by civil society. The EU remains ready to support the Philippines in its efforts ahead, including the activities by the Special Committee on Human Rights Coordination that was set up to take on the work of the UN Joint Programme. We also encourage the Philippines to continue its efforts to implement the recommendations of the 4th UPR cycle, in particular to enhance its efforts to ensure accountability and condemn and counter the practice of red-tagging, also in line with the recent decision of the Supreme Court acknowledging the harmful nature of red-tagging on victims' right to life, liberty and security.With regard to the situations in Marshall Islands, Ukraine, Honduras, Central African Republic, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo andCambodiawe would like to refer to our statements during the respective interactive dialogues.

I thank you.

*North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.