National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

09/21/2024 | News release | Archived content

NA deputies visit schools of Yerevan and provinces within the framework of Back to School program

NA deputies visit schools of Yerevan and provinces within the framework of Back to School program

From 2007 the International Day of Democracy is marked in the whole world on September 15, when the United Nations General Assembly confirmed that day. The goal is to underscore the fundamental values of democracy, the protection of human rights, the transparency and accountability, as well as the peoples' freedom to determine their own destiny.

In consonance with the meaning of International Day of Democracy, the National Democracy Institute (NDI) together with the National Assembly has been organizing the Back to School program for the 4thyear.Its purpose is to boost the involvement of youth in the parliamentary activity and their role in having a democratic state.

8 deputies of the National Assembly are involved in the program. During the week they visited different schools of the Republic of Armenia.

The visits of the deputies of the RA National Assembly to schools has a special meaning, as everyone goes back to his/her school and speaks to the pupils. The new generation has an opportunity to assume more active and responsible role in getting necessary knowledge and skills, the further democratic development through such programs.

The Secretary of the NA Civil Contract Faction Artur Hpvhannisyan met with the students of School No 154 of Yerevan. During the meeting of interactive character, Artur Hovhannsiyan told stories from about his school life, spoke about the importance of education and building of democratic society. The deputy also presented the procedure of turning from the authoritarian society to democratic one. Afterwards, in response to the schoolchildren's multifaceted questions, the Secretary of the Faction spoke about his parliamentary activities and past path.

At the meeting with the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Arman Yeghoyan the students of Yerevan School No 51 showed interest towards the process of democracy and the European integration of Armenia. The topics regarding the citizen-society-state relations, the bases of rights, duties and responsibility were of core importance. The meeting was concluded with the discussion of the RA development prospects. In the near future an agreement was reached to meet again.

The member of With Honor Faction Taguhi Tovmasyan met with the students of Khachatur Abovyan Senior School of Sevan of Gegharkunik Marz/Province. As the opposition deputy assessed, the meeting with the youth is a unique opportunity for not only exchange of knowledge, but also to listen to and learn.

Substantive discussions about democracy, reference was made the ways and perspectives of its development: These topics were at the core of the meeting of the deputy the NA Civil Contract Faction Sergey Bagratyan and the students of Vazgen Sargsyan School No 1 of Ararat Marz.

At the meeting with the students of Vanashen No 2 School of Ararat Marz the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Tatevik Gasparyan stressed several important issues: Challenges caused after the 44-day war, community problems and other issues regarding the topic. The students' approaches and proposals on some laws in force in the Republic of Armenia were also discussed.

Armenuhi Kyureghyan from the NA Armenia Faction met with the students of Vanadzor No 11 Senior School. Reference was made to the democratic reforms and the significant role of democracy.

Sona Ghazaryan from the NA Civil Contract Faction in sincere conversation with the students of Yerevan No 51 School referred to the democratic processes, emphasizing the citizens' participation in the elections and ensuring the rule of law.

The deputy of the NA Armenia Faction Levon Kocharyan summed up the series of meetings, who met with the students of Yerevan Anton Chekhov School. During his speech he especially highlighted the issue of the Armenian people's identity among a number of themes.

Underlining the importance of the program, the Coordinator of the Back to School Program, the Head of the National Democracy Institute (NDI) Hovhannes Harutyunyan noted that the political parties and the deputies underscored their commitment to democratic values, using the opportunity over the topic of democracy in Armenia, the civil involvement, the political, public participation of the youth, the person's freedoms, rule of law and other important topics.

The measure became possible due to the support of the people of America, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID within the framework of the program Strengthening Electoral Processes and Political Accountability in Armenia. The program is carried out by the National Democracy Institute (NDI) within the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS).