NPS - National Park Service

12/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/12/2024 15:31

Construction Closure: Sidewalk at Fort Alley

News Release Date:
December 12, 2024

St. Augustine, FL - Beginning on Monday, December 16, 2024, there will be a small section of sidewalk closed on the east side of State Route A1A (South Castillo Drive) at the Fort Alley crosswalk. Pedestrian access to Castillo de San Marcos will only be available from the main sidewalk from the fort's main visitor parking lot.

Pedestrians walking along this sidewalk from the north will need to cross SR A1A at Fort Alley, follow the sidewalk along the west side of SR A1A, and use the crosswalk at the intersection of South Castillo Drive and Avenida Menendez (near River and Fort restaurant) to access the fort. Pedestrians leaving the area of the fort or fort parking will need to use this same crosswalk to travel north. See above map.

This closure is necessary due to an on-going drainage improvement construction project happening on the grounds of Castillo de San Marcos National Monument. Please respect all closures and detours to ensure safety.

For more information, contact Public Information Officer Steve Roberts at [email protected], For updates, please check park websites at and Follow the Castillo on Facebook (CastilloNPS) and Instagram (castillonps).