The National Academies

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 07:22

Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - October 2024

"Reports & Events" is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and forthcoming reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Selected Events in October 2024
Click on each event title below to access meeting details, an agenda, and registration information, or contact the Office of News and Public Information (email [email protected]). Reporters should register for all meetings. Find more National Academies events at
Oct. 1
This workshop will examine opportunities that could enable development of regenerative medicine therapies for women - including for health conditions specific to women and more common in women.
Oct. 1
This webinar focuses on a new special publication that presents the findings of a review of the U.S. biomedical and health research enterprise to determine whether it can continue to lead globally and address health needs of the country's population in the face of complex challenges.
Oct. 1 and 2
Understanding burnout is crucial to supporting a strong STEMM workforce and advancing equity. This workshop will unpack these key themes and provide insight into actionable interventions.
Oct. 2
This meeting will examine the intersection of gender and safety in transportation through discussions on the unique safety challenges faced by people of different genders on various modes of transportation, and potential avenues for improvement.
Oct. 3
The chemical industry endeavors to apply AI tools to generate improved energy efficiency, reliability, selectivity, decreased environmental impacts, and safety in industrial chemical processes. Experts at this webinar will explore efforts across the chemistry and chemical engineering enterprise that successfully employ AI to support the sustainable growth and development of the chemical industry.
Oct. 3
Quantum networks can be used to simulate complex materials and study the emergence of order in many-body systems, and are at the center of recent advances in quantum information, communication, and computation. This workshop will explore potential future capabilities, devices, and knowledge quantum networks could lead to.
Oct. 3 and 4
This workshop will look at the extent to which Black people engage in science, engineering, and medical research and practice globally, and ways to increase their participation. Discussions will include the systems necessary for cultivating internationally engaged researchers, opportunities for leveraging existing infrastructure, and ways that professional societies can catalyze the involvement of Black people in the global scientific enterprise.
Oct. 8
The National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector will host a webinar featuring remarks from the collaborative's leadership on priorities and accomplishments to date, as well as special remarks and a panel discussion featuring organizations accelerating the national climate and health movement. The NAM will also launch a new climate action showcase amplifying the progress from organizations participating in the NAM's Climate and Health Movement initiative.
Oct. 10
Sponsored by Issues in Science and Technology, the 2024 Henry and Bryna David Lecture will feature Shuchi Grover, director of AI and education research at Looking Glass Ventures. The lecture will explore questions such as: What should learners and teachers understand about AI tools to use them in ways that are empowering and equitable? What are enduring lessons from the social sciences in guiding and envisioning socio-technical learning systems in the age of AI?
Oct. 15 and 16
This public summit will bring together the broader higher education community, researchers, sexual harassment response practitioners, and others to collaboratively identify, discuss, and elevate innovative and effective approaches for addressing and preventing sexual harassment.
Oct. 21
The National Academy of Medicine's annual meeting features a daylong scientific program titled Bridging Science, Practice, and Policy to Advance Mental Health. This will include panel discussions on the key social drivers affecting mental health and substance use, emerging innovation for therapies, and access to equitable mental health care, followed by the president's forum. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy will give the keynote address. In addition, the NAM will welcome the new class of members and fellows and present various awards during the annual meeting.
Oct. 22
Using geospatial applications, data, and lessons learned from disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes, we can develop new methods for recovery from other dynamic events, such as conflict and refugee zones. This meeting will explore how geospatial data and tools for disasters may be used to improve recovery from other dynamic events.
Oct. 24
This webinar will bring together leading experts, patient advocates, and policymakers to discuss the implications of the newly defined Long COVID condition from a recent National Academies report, focusing on the psychosocial aspects of the condition and examining how it affects identity, social support, and community engagement.
Oct. 25
Climate change is driving more high-intensity events, with disaster after disaster striking the same regions leaving little time to recover between events and exacerbating the impact of each subsequent incident. Compounding disasters that introduce new, interconnected, and complex risk scenarios are expected to increase in frequency and will require comprehensive new strategies for emergency planning and response. Speakers will discuss housing resilience and access in the context of compounding disasters and how to rethink the disaster framework to adapt to this new reality.
Oct. 28 and 29
Patients diagnosed with cancer early on often have better outcomes, but most cancers lack an effective screening test. This workshop will examine the state of the science for tests that can detect multiple cancers at once, including new and emerging tests, their limitations, and strategies for downstream cancer care.
Reports Scheduled for Release in October
Release dates for the following consensus reports and proceedings from the National Academies depend on successful completion of the review process and publishing schedules. Reporters who would like to be notified when a report is due for release should contact the Office of News and Public Information (e-mail [email protected]) and ask to be placed on a contact list.
Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades: The Tenth Biennial Review - 2024
This 10th biennial review of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan discusses significant accomplishments, evaluates scientific and engineering issues that may impact progress in achieving natural system restoration, and provides recommendations to support future monitoring and assessment. (Oct. 4 Webinar)
A Research Agenda Toward Atmospheric Methane Removal
This report considers the need and viable options for atmospheric methane removal currently being explored as part of efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. It examines the opportunities, risks, and co-benefits of different atmospheric methane removal approaches and makes recommendations for new research that would improve understanding of these technologies and their implications. (Oct. 2 Webinar)